How to survive critical days?


The first thing comes to mind at the mention of "red days," is pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Treating, noving, giving up for a lower back, bladder and intestines, they can enhance during the first two days, but in some cases become completely unbearable. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the whole list of other symptoms is often joined by painful sensations, such as nausea, dizziness, general weakness, temperature increase to 37-38 ° C. A considerable amount of women in this period is changing literally in front of the eyes, becoming crying or, on the contrary, irritable, even aggressive. In this case, the severity of certain manifestations, as a rule, depends on the general physical condition. Thus, with problems with the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular disorders appear more, and with impaired metabolism, exchange-endocrine failures are dominated.

"The victims"

"My husband clearly knows that in" these days "it's better not to approach me," says Natalia Yasin from Moscow. "Then I get madly ashamed for my behavior, but at such moments I seek to lose control of myself." I can withdraw any trifle, even how the most beloved person puts a cup on the table or puts a spoon. And my irritability is very negatively reflected at work, because I communicate with a huge number of people and is obliged to be cute and kind. A month ago, the case almost ended with dismissal, since I seemed to be broken from the chain and gasped one of the most favorite clients. If I could only explain to her! I think how a woman she would understand me. "

"During my menstruation, I don't just have a stomach hurts, I lose consciousness several times a day," adds Olga McLock from St. Petersburg. - I feel and feel that inside me as if they cut into parts. Before your eyes, everything floats, I instantly disconnect. " Once lossed consciousness in the subway. It is good that good people were nearby, put on a shop, gave water. After that, I decided that I would take away these days at my own expense and lie on the sofa with a heating station. That's just my boss from this, to put it mildly, not delighted. It turns out, every month of my life is thrown out at least a couple of days, plus the notorious PMS, when it infuriates me literally every little thing! "

"It is important to observe the terminology," comments the revelations of the girls Dorin Muntyan, an obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, anti-aging specialist, CEO Expert Clinics. - PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, arises a few days before the onset of menstruation. It is possible to take irritability, insomnia, an increased appetite, headaches, as well as pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Painful menstruations have a different definition - Algoromorian, which can be marked by both those who have given birth and young girls, starting from the first days of menstruation. Conditionally algoromore can be divided into primary and secondary. In the first case, the problem is rather functional in nature, it is not related to serious diseases. It is important to note that today there is still no accurate cause of pain during menstruation. There are a number of predisposing factors, such as heredity or frequent stressful situations. In considerable importance of the organism of the so-called inflammation factors - prostaglandins. They provoke active reductions in the smooth muscles of the uterus, which causes unpleasant grabs-like pain. In addition, prostaglandins are able to penetrate the bloodstream, provoking vessel spasms. The result is headache, rapid heartbeat and dizziness. If the pains pursue a woman in a more mature age, after about 30-35 years, such a phenomenon is called "secondary Algomenorrhea".

To the doctor!

The course of algoromoria is taken to divide three severity. In the first case, it is not even pain, but an unpleasant feeling, while other symptoms are usually little pronounced or there are no no. But they are characteristic of a second degree - this is a general weakness, headache, nausea, which, however, is easily removed using painkillers. With a third degree, the reception of a number of drugs practically does not bring the result or is valid for the minimum short time, and the pain themselves literally bring to the woman to exhaustion, they interfere with fully live and work. It should not be swollen its feelings with packs of medication, especially since it negatively affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a strong likelihood that in this way the body gives you an unequivocal SOS signal. Painful "critical days" may indicate the pathology of the female reproductive system - these are inflammatory processes, the uterus, endometriosis, and mastopathy.

"Treatment of algomenerai, like PMS, should be carried out comprehensively," says Dorin Muntyan. - It should be verified that it is not about pathology that causes unpleasant sensations. The doctor conducts an inspection of external genital organs, an analysis of the hormonal status, an ultrasound of a small pelvis organs, if necessary, appoints other studies. All this will make it possible to more accurately determine the main cause of painful menstruation, based on the results of the patient, treatment is appointed. For example, often PMS and Algomenoria proceed against the background of breast diseases. In such cases, it is recommended to direct all the attention to the restoration of the normal function of the ovaries, adrenal glands and the thyroid gland, and all unpleasant symptoms, accompanying menstruation, will disappear alternatively.

As for the treatment of algomenorea, oral contraceptives with gestagens are widely used for this purpose. Gestagens are a group of hormones or synthetic analogues, naturally produced in the body, their disadvantage can lead to infertility, disorders of the menstrual cycle, and also provoke a spontaneous interruption of pregnancy. Of course, only a doctor, focusing on the results of the tests, should be prescribed them, since there are about 40 species on the market. There are many nuances due to the individual characteristics of the body of each woman, so when using the above medicines, it is extremely important to correctly calculate the dosage and duration of reception. Properly selected drug reduces the development of neoplasms, relaxes the uterine muscles, ensures the normal formation of estrogen, slows down the emission of prostaglandins, thus reducing the inflammatory reactions, normalizes the menstrual cycle. In addition, hormonal contraceptives contribute to the decrease in the intrauterine pressure, frequency and amplitude of the cutting muscle cuts, which also leads to the elimination of painful conditions during menstruation. As a result, the symptoms of algoromoria disappear at all or become less pronounced. "

Another group of drugs used in the treatment of algomenerai is the so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Traditionally, they are considered tools for young women who do not want to use contraceptive and other hormonal drugs, or in cases where the latter is contraindicated for a number of reasons. The NSAIDs have analgesic properties, reduce the content of prostaglandins, quickly absorbed and operate, as a rule, from 2 to 6 hours. It is important to remember that all of the above preparations should also appoint a specialist, since, despite their pronounced efficiency, they have a number of individual contraindications. Contraindication to the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs serve as bronchial asthma, urticaria, acute rhinitis.

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