Features of tea ceremonies in China: drink a drink right


For many of us, the expression "drink tea" means to lower the bag into the glass and pour boiling water. In fact, the sacrament of tea drinking originated in China and there was not one hundred years. Along with rice, tea is an integral part of the Chinese diet. Here it is drunk not only for saturation: it plays a big role in relations between people, medicine and psychology. There are many types of tea ceremonies: "Sign of respect", "Family Meeting", "Apology", "Thanks", "Maintaining Traditions". In order to get pleasure from tea and benefit, the Chinese adhere to strict rules that use five elements and bring harmony - we will tell about them today.

Rule number one

First, an atmosphere of the room in which the event is being held. There should be calm music, or the sounds of nature. In addition, the master who sets the course of the ceremony is played a major role. His calm story about traditions and types of tea must support the mood of the guests.

The Chinese do not represent their culture without a tea ceremony

The Chinese do not represent their culture without a tea ceremony

Photo: unsplash.com.

Rule number two

Secondly, the ceremonial dishes occupy no last place. Tea leaves should be stored in tin boxes or china, which will retain their fragrance and properties. The set directly for drinking includes a deep saucer, a pile and a cap for the saw, the design of which depends on the type of tea party and the host preferences. In addition to all this, forceps, tea brushes and a needle, which pierces the spout of the kettle, a sietchko and a towel.

Rule number three

Thirdly, you need to pay attention to the grade of tea and water. Make sure that there is no aromatic additives in the drink that spoil the true taste. Water should be soft, odorless, preferably from a natural source.

Other rules

After the guests and equipment are ready, you can proceed directly to tea. For this, the master rinsing the kettle of boiling water, gives participants to the event time to sniff tea, enjoy the aroma. Then the lead pops up and fills it with hot water, and immediately merges it - it is believed that the first water only prepares a tea sheet to the disclosure of the flavor and taste. Brewing tea for the second time, the master spills it into the dishes, from which participants begin tasting.

The atmosphere of Chinese tea drinking is created using decor and dishes

The atmosphere of Chinese tea drinking is created using decor and dishes

Photo: unsplash.com.

A third-party person is almost impossible to remember all the nuances of the tea tradition - the Chinese are trained in the ceremony for several years. From the side, this process looks very unusual, but this atmosphere of this event cannot not fascinate. Once by participating in the tea ceremony, it is already impossible to think about tea just like a drink, because this is a whole ritual.

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