Alexander Gingerbread: "You need to trade charming"


- Alexander, how many enthusiasm did you perceive the idea of ​​becoming a leading program of the World Market?

- remarkably perceived this idea, as well as the idea of ​​the program itself. Thanks to "Hipsters", which developed this topic, now fashion began to market. Five years ago, they were not so interesting to the general public. Of course, people always went there, but, mostly, the older generation, grandmothers who still remember the markets since the Soviet Union. But the markets are also a trade turnover. Therefore, some time ago, smart people set the task before them - youth to drag into the markets and make them fashionable. And with the help of hipsters who have introduced into this style, they again became popular. And all this is now in good European traditions, so visiting the markets becomes very interesting pastime.

- flea markets, for example.

- Yes, it's how to go to the museum. In each European city there is a flea market, and we have visited many very much. In Italy, for example, there are a lot of old furniture on them. When the old houses are disassembled there, of which there are absolutely marvelous furniture, which is 100-150 years old, and it is sold in almost a snot. And in Antwerp on me a completely indelible impression was produced by the "debtors". There, if a person has crushed the payment to the bank or owe a credit institution, they do not rebel with him, and come home and describe literally all the property that is in the apartment. Then once a week, all this is put on the central square, where the sale of "belt things" is satisfied. The funny thing is that there can be found, for example, powder strips or alcohol pollock plugged with a plug. In Brussels, we shot the largest silver market in Europe. There are hundreds of millions of euros, and people simply stand up and sell them on the street. According to its state, antiques are there the best in Europe. The dishes can be 100-200 years old, it is cleared to shine and sold with whole sets, which is why the price is growing in geometric progression. From the Russian markets a good flea market in Rostov-on-Don. There and Cossack weapons are for sale, and antique military signs, and a lot of Cossack utensils. They are there - battle guys. And all these are real things. You can find, for example, a German hatch of the First World War with the following Cossack Checkers. I don't speak about numismismism at all, and on the little things - lights, lamps, keys, buttons. Although this good everywhere is full. There is still a grocery market "Old Bazaar" with a local arugula, Hamon and excellent fish.

Shooting a program about the floating market. Photo:

Shooting a program about the floating market. Photo:

- How many countries have you visited during the existence of the project?

- Somewhere 20-25. And the example of all markets for me was the Mathallen market in Oslo - the most modern in Europe, which was opened two years ago. I have a dream so that all Russia is covered by approximately such markets. There is completely eradicated "The Institute of Opessors", and manufacturers sell their products directly. Roughly speaking, buying apple juice, you will be told about the apple tree, from which it was done. And acquiring cheese, you will learn about the "unique" cow, which grazes on a unique meadow, and even about her "unique" shepherd. Well, so on. There is a whole line of products.

- In the format of the program you have to bargain in the frame all the time. How typical to you, as a person, as a person? Or do you do it specifically on camera?

- At first it was hard for me when I mastered the format. Because before this program, I never spent so much time in the market. Like any person, I was perhaps it was shy to bargain, because if you do it, then it is necessary that it was charming. As far as you can find a common language with the seller, he will make you a discount and will do you.

- And things you buy during filming, are all intended for your personal use?

- No, it's all stored in a warehouse in our television company. By and large, when we finish shooting, I plan to sell them on some charitable auction and put all the profits on good deeds. It seems to me that it will be a good finale program. I would, for example, equipped a group of gifted guys or pupils of a orphanage on a journey. Such trips expand the horizons and form consciousness.

During the existence of the World Market program, Alexander Gingerbread visited more than 20 countries. Photo:

During the existence of the World Market program, Alexander Gingerbread visited more than 20 countries. Photo:

"You yourself are your father with experience."

- Yes, I am twice my father. I have a son and daughter.

- The World Market program comes out on the channel "My Planet". But you have a parallel field - you work also on the "Mom" channel.

"Yes, we call him" MTV about children. " Because there they called all the leaders who at one time began musical television. And our audience continues to watch us, which was still schoolgirls, and now I became moms. And we are still authorities for them.

- Your coming on music television was absolutely logical - you graduated from the Gnesin School in the class of musical comedy, after which two years worked for Broadway. That is, with a musical show format is not familiar with it.

- Yes, I believe that I was lucky with Broadway. I immediately got into a serious show business, and it was an excellent school for me.

- Do you support your musical skills?

- Periodically, for friends, I musitize something. I play the drums quite well and still sometimes I do it for the soul. One of these moments even entered the shooting of the World Market program when I sat down at the drum installation in Tunisia. The fact that I am a musician by education to some extent helps me. Gnesin school has a very good reputation, and it forms you as a person.

Alexander Gingerbread with the daughter of Polina and Son Alexander. Photo:

Alexander Gingerbread with the daughter of Polina and Son Alexander. Photo:

- Alexander, how did fatherhood changed you?

- Fatherhood - this is when you begin to truly understand that people are investing in the word "love." Because while you have no children, you do not know what it is to love to truly. I recommend to do it all, otherwise you will not feel this happiness.

- Do you have a full time on your work schedule?

- Oh, you really do not ask. Here, what is called, in every hut - your rattles. (Laughs.) Everyone is already accustomed to my graphics.

- You are not a secular character. In the sense that it is not happening on any events just like that.

- I'm tired of it even in youth. I am already 45, but I stopped going to walk on them from 25. And believe me, for 20 years there has nothing to happen there. There is no content there. It is easier to arrange somewhere in a transformer with friends. And just to visit parties - it's boring.

- How are your joint weekend with family pass?

"We live outside the city, therefore we chase on great ones and riding horses." I have a dream with my daughter at the age of seven years old, so different things are interesting to them. With my daughter recently we went to the Crimea. And with his son we can play paintball. The girl is not needed, she is still 13 years old, and this is the most "maiden" age.

Alexander Gingerbread:

"I play the drums quite well and still sometimes I do it for the soul. One of these moments even entered the shooting of the World Market program. Photo:

- You have a crown, by the way, did not give an antique, which in Rostov-on-Don in the market bought? Cute very.

- Aaaaaa. (Laughs.) No, I passed it on the warehouse.

- Alexander, well, and the spouse is proud of you or a little sorry for her, what are you all the time at work?

- I would try not to be proud of me! So I, in my opinion, is impossible not to proud. (Laughs.) I still have a reputation in the profession, and I, in the end, an adult man, not the last person on this earth. Of course, I never asked her directly, but I feel it. Everything is written on her face.

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