Andrey Chadov: "I want a real family"


In the new television season, Andrei Chadov will appear both in large-scale projects and in small independent films. Andrei from those actors who agree to take free even in the short filler director's short films, if the script is worth it. And Andrei is one of the enviable bachelors.

- Andrei, you somehow said that it is better to play in one good picture for the year than in a few bad. Now you think the same, or was it a youthful maximalism?

- I think so now. If there is a choice to play in one good picture per year instead of several bad, then I am for the first option. If the offer is interesting, I am ready and not to get out of the frame. But you need to consider: now - the crisis, good sentences are at times less. It is clear that you do not go away to some nightmare. (Laughs.) But I will expand the borders. Over the past two years, the Vgik graduates have starred in four short films. Also interesting. Young guys, cheeky seekers. Shooting there, naturally, free, but these topics are interesting to me. We also removed the two pictures with friends.

- How do you choose: your role or not?

- Roles, and I am absolutely convinced of this, find the actors themselves. So folds personally.

- And if there are no roles at all?

- In any case, it is impossible to always be ahead, constantly removing. You are squandered. And then you already act as a robot, turn into an iron car. Still need pauses, you need to read books, watch movies. Somehow accumulate cultural baggage. I do not remember who said seems to be Faina Ranevskaya that a good artist is one who survived a lot. Therefore, when they do not affirm the role, I am absolutely not upset. So it's not mine. Previously, was upset, of course, but with age, with experience it passed.

Andrey Chadov:

Andrey Chadov is more famous as a dramatic actor, but in the series "Shamelessnniks", dedicated to the family, the life of which is full of ridiculous adventures, Andrei was on the territory of the comedy. And perfectly coped with the role

- What else changes in you with age?

- I practically stopped judging people. Condemn. I am a believer. I go to church, I have a father. I try to grow spiritually and see the meaning of life. There was no other sense to thirty seven years. (Smiles.) I always liked, as Andrei Tarkovsky said about the meaning of life. I watched his interview. So, the meaning of life, as he believed, spiritually elevated over himself. Problems and sorrow sent over, everything is for spiritual growth. It all needs a person. And art, as he said, also serves for this. And cinema, and painting, and music is everything to spiritually rise. And today, it seems to me, it is very correct thought.

- Are you not afraid of old age?

- I am afraid of diseases, not old age. We all are afraid to root, suffer. And old age as such is difficult to understand until you try. It seems that she is still there.

"But you yourself said that sorrow and suffering help spiritual growth."

- Well, yes, aging is also suffering. But if you are not sick, then it seems to me, normal. With experience, living is becoming more interesting.

- What do you see yourself so twenty?

- About twenty years? .. Family want real. Children with grandchildren. Such here I would like to have a future. Of course, in the profession to continue to be implemented. Maybe to shoot something yourself. There are such thoughts.

For Andrey Extreme Sport - a great way to reset the voltage after filming

For Andrey Extreme Sport - a great way to reset the voltage after filming


- Shoot as director or as an operator? You're not in vain if you are interested in photography?

- More as a director. And such thoughts appeared when people from the outside began to say me about it that I need to shoot. So I thought. But you need to understand what to shoot. Not just to go to the director, but to say something to people. It seems to me that the director does not need to learn how to actor. This is either there or not.

- Soon on NTV, the series "Shamelessness" will be released. Why did you agree to this project? What did you like in the picture?

- In my opinion, the material is cool. Interesting story and all characters without exception. Yes, and partners are excellent. Alcoholic played actor Alexey Shevchenkov. In general fire!

- It is important for you, who are your partners?

- Of course, it is very important. Just not always successfully it turns out. It all coincided here. The directors changed, but in the end came Anton Maslov, and everything fell into place.

Andrey Chadov:

The beginning of a full film engineer for Andrei became the painting "Russian" (2004), where the young actor played young Edward Lemonov

- What do you do when suddenly it is not always successful with partners?

- Cinema is not the theater! The theater is more difficult, of course. The theater is a collective art, even if you play the scene perfectly, and someone pulls down, then you can't help stand up, unfortunately. And in the movies there are installation, cutting. It happens, the film is unsuccessful or frankly bad, but everyone can see that you are not ashamed for your work. From a good partner you get a buzz, pleasure from the profession.

"You say that in the same project I was filmed for money, and in the other - for free. An immodest question: what are you living for?

- I have a printed machine standing at home. (Laughs.) If seriously: there is a performance, there are some shootings, there is a business.

- What kind of business, if not a secret?

- Secret. (Laughs.) I just say that he is far from the movie.

"You said that you finally want to become a family family." Probably it is not easy when the press is riveted to you?

- And now everything has dirty. But in general, I calmly treat various materials in the press about myself. Let them write. I even like. Cool. We have such a profession. We ourselves chose it. So what is indignant here?! (Laughs.)

Andrey Chadov:

In the frame, the Chadov brothers are found not very often. One of these bright meetings was the film "Living" (in the photo on the left) Alexander Vyedinsky

- And now calm and widen girls: your heart is free?

- I'm searching for concrete. (Laughs.)

- You do not have our children. But you are the godfather Fedor, the son of your brother Alexei Chadov. How do you behave in life?

- Love is immense, that's the main thing. To be honest, I do not know how to raise the children. When I have my own children, it seems to me that I will be some kind of rag. (Laughs.) Of course, children are happiness. And the upbringing is a whole story, a huge work. I have been watching Fedya: the little man is growing, it changes. The character is manifested. Now he is three years old. He begins to talk, think. Madly interesting to look at it.

- Today, a well-known person and step cannot stand without approval by his stylist, hairdresser. How do you think all these people are really necessary?

- Yes, it is necessary if you go somewhere. You can't get up and go straight from the bed. Although everyone has its own vision of the situation, style, image, image. How do you want to name. Here are the cords. He can afford that something else and not dreamed, and in his performance it will look cool and stylish! Everything is actually individually.

- And who watches your image?

- I myself. The peasant is easier to follow the image. What do you need? Three good suit, two tuxedo. That's the whole style. And in everyday life - jeans, T-shirt.

In the usual life, the brothers see each other much more often. Andrei - the godfather Fedor, son Alexei Chadov

In the usual life, the brothers see each other much more often. Andrei - the godfather Fedor, son Alexei Chadov


- Do you prefer famous brands?

- It happens in different ways. I recently entered the store a very cool Italian brand. Like the brand, all things. Allotment. Here hangs, there wrinkled. I ask: what is it? I am answered that now their tailor is suitable, he will alternate and approach the figure. I apologized and left. Do you imagine for such considerable money something else to correct? And recently in the cabin of another Italian brand, less promoted, tried out the costume three times cheaper. Allotment. Everything is so clearly sits. And no one ever in life I assure you, I will not know what it is for the costume, whose he is. The main thing is to sit. Therefore, I do not chase brands, everything is very relative. Here is a good agent, in contrast to the stylist, the actor is needed. He is looking for a job, suggests, convinces. For me, the worst thing is to talk about money. I do not know how to do this. Yes, and I should not do this. I was somehow since I have such an experience, oh, how humiliating it was.

- For many of your colleagues, it is not less important to be able to advertise yourself. Here you, for example, is not so often you can meet at different parties ...

- The best advertising of yourself is your roles, your work. You can go to the parties every day and secular events, but it will not add any professional growth, weight or significance. Waste of time. Better to read the book. To meet my family and go to the kebabs. Life, she flies quickly.

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