Love in the sings: pros and cons of online dating


It can be said that in our time the dating in the sings occur more often than in theline. However, many people are still exposed to stereotypes that it is impossible to find a partner for strong relationships on the Internet. In virtual dating, there are really many pitfalls, however, as indisputable advantages - today we will tell about them.


Possibility of choice. The dating sites have an advantage: you can choose men who like you yourself. In addition, there is an opportunity to correspond with several men at the same time, and then decide - to go with them for a real date or not.

Self-assessment increases. Agree when every hour you write a few men who chose you yourself - it's nice. Moreover, on the Internet, men feel less considerably, and therefore they will not be stored for compliments.

There is time to think. Communicating the Internet, you can always "go out" from the dialogue with any inconvenient question to think and give the best answer. Of course, you should not pretend to be someone else and invent stories to enjoy the man, but you can take a pause and formulate the answer so that it is presented in the most advantageous light for you.

It is easier to make a first impression. If in the correspondence man allows itself to be tactless and allows for elementary errors, or you simply be bored with him, you can simply stop chatting, even never encounter offline.

Everyone has a chance. On the dating site you can "Like" such a man who would not pay attention to reality, because we often judge the appearance. On the Internet there is an opportunity to set good photos, and then connect the charisma. And now a unprecedented man seems to you the most attractive in the world. It works in the opposite direction.

Do not refuse happiness in favor of stereotypes.

Do not refuse happiness in favor of stereotypes.


Unnecessary expectations. It often happens that you rewrite without ceasing, you always have something to discuss, the man is well joke and manifests itself. And now you already draw a wedding in your head, and then you meet in reality ... And it turns out to be at all such a charismatic handsome, as you imagined him. That is why we advise not to delay the correspondence, but as soon as possible go on a date.

Scammers. Unfortunately, many men do not consider it necessary to speak in the questionnaire on the site about the presence of children, and sometimes wives. The girl can meet with such a Casanova for several months, before he finds out the truth. To check the passport on the first date for the presence of a stamp we, of course, do not advise, but no one forbids social networks well, especially if a man persistently suggests that he is not registered in them.

Looking for entertainment for one night. It is an opinion that on dating sites you can only find a girlfriend for one evening. We know that this is not the case, but some of the male representatives are confident that sex is the only goal of visitors to sites. By registering there, whether it is ready for obscene offers, but do not pay attention to them: just throw unwanted blacklist.

Easier to lie. On the Internet you can write anything, and put any photos. Therefore, if you have doubts, a fake page or not, check out social networks. If it did not help, you can offer a man to call video - a sharp refusal must perhaps you.

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