Doctors called 5 severe reasons to drink water


The human body consists of 60% of the water, and to maintain the optimal water balance, it is necessary to drink depending on the weight of approximately 2 liters of water per day - these are 8 glasses of 250 ml. Scientists and doctors are not attempting to drink enough clean water, as it not only quenches thirst, but also has a number of useful properties for human health. We are talking about five scientifically proven facts of water benefits for the body.

Helps maintain physical activity

It is especially important to drink a lot of water to people who regularly play sports - the muscles "feed on" water, because they consist of water from water by 80%. On average, during the hourly training we lose 1-1.5 liters of water, so drinking water during the class is simply necessary: ​​first, to maintain a normal water and salt balance, and, secondly, in order for you There were forces and energy. If you do not want to drink water during training, then you are not active enough.

Water with lemon normalizes the organism acid and alkaline balance

Water with lemon normalizes the organism acid and alkaline balance


Slows down the oxidative stress in the body

Oxidative stress is the process of forming free radicals (radical oxygen atoms) in the nervous tissue, which runs pathological reactions, irreversibly damaging cells and leading to the launch of the genetically programmed destruction of neurons - apoptosis. There are two environments in the human body: sour and alkaline. The acidic medium in the body is mainly concentrated in the stomach of man. But in the rest of the pH (scale, which measures the acidity and alkalinity in the solution) of the body is low-alkaline - pH 6-8 units. When the organism is acidified (which is mainly due to the irregular nutrition), acid waste is accumulated in organs, muscles and vessels, which overlap the blood supply to fabrics. Thus, vital minerals are practically not digestively and quickly derived from the body. This leads to the death of neurons. Restore the correct pH level helps alkaline water, whose pH is at least 7.1 units. Alkaline water is a bicarbonate minerater or water with lemon.

Warns the occurrence of headaches

It has been proven that dehydration is one of the most frequent causes of headaches. And dehydration is not always accompanied by thirst. The study of scientists from Saudi Arabia has shown that 40% of 393 participants experienced headaches precisely because of the dehydration of the body. And the use of a large amount of water can alleviate, including the course of migraine. In addition, water is capable of raising brain activity: improve the concentration of attention and memory.

Helps to get rid of constipation

Water launches the process of digestion and improves peristality and intestinal emptying rate. It is worth noting that it is mineral water rich in magnesium and sodium that copes with the problem of constipation and heals the gastrointestinal tract.

Mineral water helps to fight constipation and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Mineral water helps to fight constipation and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


Reduces the severity of the hangover

Everyone knows that a hangover is the result of the body intoxication by alcohol. Water helps to cope with a hangover - it quickly removes alcohol and spree products of alcohol from the body. Alcoholic beverages have a diuretic effect and violate the water-salt balance of the body, therefore, in abuse of alcohol, strong dehydration arises and the morning after a rapid party is accompanied by Sushnyakom: strong thirst and dry mouth. You can minimize the consequences of cocktails as follows: Drink at least one glass of water between alcohol glasses and be sure to drink more water before bedtime. In the morning, stocking bottles with mineral water, whose indicator of mineralization is more than 1000 mg / l. It is such a concentration of mineral substances in water will launch the detoxification process and quickly will put you on your feet.

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