The most famous grandmothers of the Russian pop


"Buranian grandmothers"

28 grandchildren and 10 great-grand

In the team there are 8 people, but the grandmothers became only six. For example, the head of Olga Tukareva is the youngest participant - it raises only children. But the current leader in the number of grandchildren was 73-year-old Galina Konev, which is considered to be a rod and a generator of ideas, and the girlfriends call it "Mush Muma", in Russian - the bee uterus. The singer raised 3 children who gave her 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. She comes on the heels another participant of the team, the Baisarovsky Grand, which has worked for 20 years. The singer in 62 years already has 6 children, 8 grandchildren and even a great-grandfather. Ekaterina Shklyaeva, which is called "Team Team", because the tonality is checked on it, not only the cabbage was distinguished himself, but she was able to raise 3 children, 5 grandchildren and even great-grandchildren. Two grandson in Valentina Pyatchenko and Zoe Dorodova, the main prov of the team. And about the most senior participant in the entire history of Eurovision, Natalia Pugacheva there is someone to take care: she has 4 children, 3 grandson and 6 grains. True, Favorite Grandfather of Athanasius sometimes takes care of his second half and is even trying not to let her down at rehearsals. But how not to let go when the singer has a singer Pugacheva!

Alla Pugacheva. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alla Pugacheva. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Alla Pugacheva

3 native grandson and 1 grand-nephew

Live legend has three native grandchildren. And none of them remained without attention. Nikita Presnyakov (21), Denis Baisarov (14) and even two-month clouds have already managed to light up in a secular chronicle and even scandals. The story of "division" of Denis, in which Alla Borisovna took the most direct participation was. The legendary singer, you can say, beat to the last for the child to stay with Christina orbakay. Nikita Presnyakova photos began to fade in a secular chronicle after he appeared with his girlfriend Aida Kaliva. It is rumored that Alla Borisovna is not against the choice of her grandson and even gives him periodically advice. And recently, Pugacheva brought the grandson for the first time to elections. Well, of course, the birth of the granddaughter of Claudia caused great interest of the press. Thoughtful grandmother, however, did not see the "live" granddaughter, but a huge bouquet of flowers and a pretty bear sent directly to the ward of her daughter. Christina showed the daughter of Star Mom on Skype, than caused by Alla Borisovna Tears of Deal. By the way, Pugacheva has another grandson, which is known about. It is saying that Alla Borisovna was directly involved in the upbringing of His nephew of Vlad. Therefore, the son who was born, believed by his grandson right. Thoughtful grandmother even promised that he would give him an apartment for his birthday.

Larisa Valley. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Larisa Valley. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Larisa Dolina


Larisa Valley became a grandmother in 56, when her 28-year-old daughter Angelina gave birth to a little Sasha. By the way, the name of the father of the baby is still unknown to the general public. But, judging by how care about the baby, the presence of a father may not be so important. For example, before meeting Sasha from the maternity hospital, Larisa Valley personally picked up an envelope for crumbs and even ordered a slide and diaper with a family signature in a special studio. Now the star grandmother is trying to take an active part in raising the child. Once the artist confessed that Angeline had given very little attention at one time, leaving the baby with nanny. But then in the first place she had a career. Now the singer appeared the opportunity to catch up and become the most caring grandmother in the world. It is rumored that the singer has already thought about the future of granddaughter. So, she insisted that Sasha lived in a comfortable environment, so the child was transported from Moscow to Jurmala. There, shortly before the birth of the child, the valley acquired gorgeous apartments, which intend to give Alexander.

Sofia Rotaru. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Sofia Rotaru. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Sofia Rotaru

Grandson and granddaughter

Sofia Mikhailovna will grow up grandson Anatoly, who turned 17 years old, and the 11-year-old granddaughter of Sonechka. Ranking that the singer did not always have a relationship with grandchildren. Anatoly, for example, stated that he would not even finish 11 classes, because he intends to go to the School of DJs. By this he shocked relatives, all the same in the family had a higher education. The young man has long been fond of club music, so Sofia Mikhailovna even gave him a tricky DJ set worth 50 thousand dollars. Anatoly made several mixes on it, including their joint song with their grandmother. After such a singer finally gave up. True, learning the mind of the grandson still decided: went to England in a business college. And Sonya stated that he wants to make a career model not worse than Natalia Vodyanova. As a result, parents gave a child to the school of mannequins. Sofia Mikhailovna loves to indulge his grandchildren. According to rumors, she has already given the jewelry for rumors, and after the end of each quarter they are usually waiting for exciting holidays abroad.

Nadezhda Babkin. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Nadezhda Babkin. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Nadezhda Babkin


"Now I am a grandfather grandmother. I waited like granddaughter, "Nadezhda Babkina boasted, when her son Daniel, a lawyer for education, a boy was born. The long-awaited baby was born in one of the Moscow hospitals. And what is the most interesting thing happened on the evening of March 18, right on the eve of the 60th anniversary of the singer. "I was very worried, as if the daughter-in-law did not give him on the day of my anniversary, which was March 19 last year. Still, I wanted attention to my holiday ... "Hope Georgievna admitted. Fortunately, everything cost. Now in the artist family, holidays are celebrated two days in a row. The child was born a real warrant - he weighed 4 kilograms with growth of 56 centimeters. When the singer heard that the boy was named George, he broke down. Nadezhda Georgievna in his grandson does not have a soul. Forgives him all pranks, and the boy from his beloved grandmother almost more than from parents. At the same time, the artist is recognized that the "man is concrete" is growing.

Edita Pieha. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Edita Pieha. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Edita Pieha

Grandson and granddaughter

Edita Pieha raised the grandson of Stas in the field. She constantly took him on tour from a three-year-old age, because the child simply could not leave with anyone: Mom's Moma Ilona is a tourist schedule almost tougher than the elders Piehi. They brought up a future star not strictly, and later, already in Moscow, and at all provided him with a maximum of freedom. "You can say, I grew up in the courtyard, on the street: I fought every day, all my life argued that I was stronger than all. The only thing that I was forbidden and for which they scolded, is smoking, "said Stas somehow. But after a time, the hooligan still was on stage. By the way, Stas has a sister Eric Bystrov, who has recently been 26 years old. True, unlike the famous brother, Erica does not sing, but works by the designer - she graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. Of course, the girl also loves to sing something else, but still decided not to go out on the scene. "Enough! I will chase frozen music, "said the young architect. Grandma her fully supported her.

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