Do not regret your belly: why a woman with a child is a bad employee


The rights of pregnant women and young mothers are protected by law. Alas, it does not interfere with employers often turning happy for employee Toddler waiting time in a branch of hell on Earth. There are checks in qualifications, analysis of professional qualities, of course, not in favor of the employee, threat, blackmail and manipulation. Return to the former workplace after childbirth is also far from all. Business owners are customary to scold for worn and cynical attitude towards motherhood. What to do and how to change the situation?

Business is money

Let's forget about the sublimation and put yourself in the place of the businessman. His task is to make money, maintain and develop a business. Pregnancy and maternity leave of a good specialist for him is equivalent to "loss of fighter" on the field of business war. And it also happens, and so when to the state, especially if it is a company with a "white salary", it is arranged specifically - to "go on the decret". And financial responsibility, again, the employer bears. However, it is not only in the material side of the issue. Search for a new employee, checking a trial period - this time and costs. The company is also not obliged to "enter the position" when the workflow is coming, and the employee is forced to work in the "½" mode - a week in the office, two - at home, because the baby began to go to kindergarten and, as it usually happens, root regularly . Of course, there are loyal bosses that are ready to close their eyes on endless hospital and painting. But it is worth understanding that in this world no one is obliged to anyone.

Business is health

Pregnant women under legislation are relying benefits and relief at work. This is normal - disability during this period is not all, but many - it falls, the hormonal background changes, drowsiness and toxicosis appears. The employer turns out to be in a difficult position. On the one hand, temporary health problems of the employee may affect the efficiency of the entire company, and the higher its corporate statute in the hierarchy of the organization or business project, the more seriously applies to its absence of the owner. On the other hand, he cannot apply any measures that make employees work with the previous return. Could not cancel toxicosis boss.

Business is not charity, and first of all, your employer thinks about profits, and not about your marital status

Business is not charity, and first of all, your employer thinks about profits, and not about your marital status


Business - not charity

Any ineffective consumption of money is not in the interests of the company. Otherwise, the probability of weakening positions in the market occurs. Business is not a charitable organization, and he does not need personnel problems. Yes, the benefits paid are partially compensated if tax deductions occurred correctly, but the personnel problem remains.

A pregnant employee can sit at the hospital to the birth and try to go to work only three years after the birth of the baby. Alas, but even for 1 year (not to mention 3) the company is able to grow a new specialist who understands all business nuances. And which has no children. Or there is a "grandmother", which is stable with them "sits." And this employee does not manipulate the employer using "family circumstances", and does not pump the right, operating by law.

I suspect that many will be accepted by such lines, but I repeat: for business, profit and assets are more expensive than human relations and moral values.

Business is the case of his owner

And this means that the businessman will first of all think about the well-being of his family, and not yours. He most likely has his children whom he also wants to provide everything necessary. Another thing is that the owner also has different opportunities who has gave birth. He can work, and she is not. Because nanny services for a monthly baby often stand as much as employee earns. Because the garden from one and a half years is never a way out. Because even if the employee agrees that it will work out of the house, do it in the presence of a child is not easy. Baby Birth For many families today turns into an adventure. Not everyone gives God "and for children." Especially in the face of the employer and the state. Perhaps this phrase was invented to raise demographics. And children are our, and only our responsibility, including financial.

Business is a compromise

It is worth understanding one important thing: to the birth of a child you need to prepare and financially in the first place. In our country, people are not accustomed to planning the costs of children, hoping to the state, then on their own parents, then on a miracle (maybe somehow everything will be formed). Reality Surov. After childbirth, the woman understands that its income has decreased significantly, the grandmothers are in no hurry to help, but it is impossible to go to work with a baby. Therefore, before decree it is simply necessary to form a pillow of financial security that will allow for some time to live and contain a child even in the conditions of "single navigation" (it happens that the husband leaves the family or loses its work, and other surprises). The state dumps the costs of keeping young mothers on business. Business - to the state. At the same time, the amount of benefits is so funny that never enough for normal life.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides benefits for women during pregnancy and child care leave

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides benefits for women during pregnancy and child care leave


The second thing is worth making a woman leaving on maternity leave, try to keep good relationship with the employer. Even if she does not plan to return to the company. It sounds somewhat humiliating, but in our country the situation of a young mother, alas, vulnerable. How to do it?

As soon as possible, warn the manager about the coming pregnancy and future plans. Know: You cannot dismiss, even if you work on a maternity rate or got a job already pregnant. If you plan to go on leave to care for your child, it will have time to find you a replacement. If not - you can discuss the conditions of work on pollen or other options. No maternity leave is not afraid of valuable and adequate frame - the manager will always find the opportunity to save the workplace.

Good to know

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides benefits for women during pregnancy and child care leave, here are some of them:

- During the pregnancy, women who cannot fulfill their duties or are not able to do this in the same time, the employer is obliged to translate to easier labor and / or reduce working hours on the prescription of the doctor without reducing wages.

- If the employee decided not to go on a child care for a child up to 1.5 years, but also can not work in full force, she can ask her to translate her to another position. At the same time, labor will be adequate to work performed, but not lower than the average wage.

- the employer does not have the right to dismiss or cut the woman on his own initiative, if she has children under the age of 3 years

- Even if you got a job and only after that I made public our pregnancy, the employer also does not have the right to dismiss you under any circumstances.

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