5 Rules of education from Russian mothers, which abroad did not even hear


Rule number 1

Weather clothes. Since ancient times there is a saying: "dressed like cabbage". No, European mothers also prefer multi-layered, only the quality and thickness of these messs are different. Spring began, streamlined streams, and with them snot, because children are wounded in fur caps and woolen scarves - "But warm!". Teenagers in Vienna and Paris wear, too, as adults, and London moms wear on the kids + one thing, to the hands on it. Doctors warn: overheating for crumbs is more harmful than supercooling.

We warmly wear children

We warmly wear children


Rule number 2.

Proper nutrition is the basis of the foundations of our grandmothers and mothers. The first, second and compote. And for breakfast, a snack porridge with lumps. There is also everything with bread, so referring and more useful. Abroad, in principle, there is no such difference as food for children and adults. In each country its own features. In Israel, for example, schoolchildren are mostly eating pitiful people with stuffing. And moms are not taken to get up in the morning to cook breakfast for a child.

Bread - all head

Bread - all head


Rule number 3.

Russian mom combines more functions of a kindergarten worker, a consigning mass and teacher. After working and cooking dinner, lessons checking and making crafts for school begins. Fabric Parents Council are always ready to support, but there will be no lessons for their child under any circumstances, they occasionally ask how his relationships are about the relationship.

Lessons make parents

Lessons make parents


Rule number 4.

We are very different relationships. If in Russia to sit with grandchildren directly direct duty of grandmother, which is not even discussed. That overseas Grandma and Grandpa help offer rarely. They live their family and younger generation are seen only on large holidays. Kids go to kindergarten early or left with nanny.

Grandma must sit with grandson

Grandma must sit with grandson


Rule number 5.

"What are you idle?", - If the child is not busy lessons, then it should be in a circle: swimming, dancing, chess, drawing, music ... the more classes, the better, but not on the street. Our children go to school where you can read, write and count. Almost every third Russian graduated from a music school or has a sports discharge. In Europe, its credo: do not overvolt the child. After the lessons, he should rest or choose an easy lesson for the soul.

We have all children - genius

We have all children - genius


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