About yourself Favorite: how self-esteem affects your health


It seems to us that the problem with the adoption of herself is a psychological moment, but psychologists agree that an understated self-esteem can lead to quite real disorders that are extremely negatively affected by all spheres of our life. We decided to consider the most popular of them.

Alarm states

Permanent reflections that you are unworthy of happiness and other mandatory comprehensive full-fledged life gradually destroy your mental health: you become anxious, even the slightest problem situations are able to bring you out of themselves, and this is a direct way to conflicts with important people in life and profession . Anxious person is constantly awaiting the very real apocalypse, which, naturally, does not happen, but the nerves manage to turn around.

The only way to return calm in your life is to work on my self-esteem, if you can't agree with myself, be sure to contact a specialist who will understand the most problematic moments with you.

Work with a psychologist

Work with a psychologist

Photo: www.unsplash.com.


Another psychological moment on which it is impossible to not pay attention to. The burnout is in constant emotional pressure when you take too much to yourself, while you think that even the performance of work on perfectly does not adds to you in your eyes of colleagues and, most importantly, in your own eyes. And again we are talking about understated self-esteem, when even reasonable criticism can plunge you in the beam. At some point, the work ceases to bring pleasure, the most unpleasant result can be a nervous breakdown. To prevent such a development of events, do not expect that your psyche can no longer cope with the cargo of problems, consult a psychologist.

Lack of sleep

Of course, nonconition can occur in absolutely different reasons, but the problems with self-esteem often become the reason why sleep may be partially or to disappear from your life. Low self-esteem is very often accompanied by nervous disorders, an increased impressionability: instead of lie down and relax, such a person begins to wind himself, representing the most terrible consequences of certain events. Naturally, sleep in such a state does not go. As you already understood, the problem must be solved with a specialist, otherwise breakdowns and other disorders are provided. Do not do it this way.

Problems with the spine

Almost always pain in the lower back appears with incorrect posture, which in turn is often associated with non-acceptance itself. A person is constantly in a distance. There is less thanks to become a doubtful person at the subconscious level, and therefore all sorts of discord deformations and other problems with bones and joints often accompany anxious and psychologically unstable person.

If you understand that most of the time you spend removing your head into your shoulders and sit exclusively, take yourself in your hands and try to "bear" yourself. Make sure that the chin looks forward, and not pressed against the chest, it is quite difficult to control, but it is quite realistic to develop this habit. And as we said, do not be afraid to ask for help to a psychologist who can help you make life better.

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