Joy in Gormon: Why do we need endorphin


Did you think about what causes your bad mood from time to time? Of course, the reasons may be many, however, it happens that the person lacking endorphins - hormones of joy. Such a disease is called Angedonia. Is it possible to raise the level of such necessary hormones and which in general the function is performed in our body in addition to relaxation, we decided to figure out today.

Why do we need endorphins?

In addition to the sensation of happiness, endorphins act as a natural painkiller, which is necessary in the case of a critical situation. In addition, hormones help restore the work of the heart, lungs and other major bodies in the event of a psychological shock, and also help to relax when the danger will be consistent and need to recover in a short time. Among other things, endorphins excite associative thinking, which helps to avoid similar unpleasant situations in the future.

How to understand if endorphins have enough?

We offer a small test:

- Can you call your life harmonious?

- Do you see positive moments in bad situations?

- Do you hope for the best?

- Are you happy to every new day?

If you answered most of the questions positively, then with the most likely you have no problems with the development of a "joyful" hormone, however, when you begin to look for tricks in any situation, constantly upset, fall into depression, most likely your hormonal balance is broken.

Surround yourself with positive things

Surround yourself with positive things


What to do?

There are several ways that are designed to increase the level of endorphins and adjust your mood.

Stay at one point

We are constantly in motion, a rabid pace does not allow to see those happy moments that actually exist in our lives, we just do not notice it. Remember that good recently happened in your life. As soon as "click" this moment, delay on it and try to remember the pleasant feeling that this thought is accompanied.

Surround yourself with what makes you happy

It is important for the feeling of happiness to create an atmosphere that will only delight and not bring any unpleasant emotions. Try to make a small permutation in your room or the office, place on your desktop or near the bed thing that always raises you mood, try to concentrate on it every time you feel that the negative "rolls" is "rolling".


It is no secret that many odors are capable of not just delight, but also to put an emotional state. Purchase any of the essential oils: tea tree, vanilla, orange or mint. Use to aromatize the aroma indoor, you will have enough of only a few drops for the "refreshment" of the room and thoughts. Arrange such aromatic sessions for at least a couple of times a week.

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