Chris Hemsworth: "During the shooting of the scene in underwear, everyone laughed, I did not know where to go from shame"


Chris Hemsworth fulfilled the role of Shurin of the main character to grow, Stone Cradalla. According to the plot, Stone is very successful, which is greatly annoying the pock of Grissold. Ed Helms initially treated Hemsworth wary. "When it first appeared on the set, I, looking at him, began to calm myself: Well, yes, he, maybe, and looks great, but I am more funn," Hell recalls. - I thought he would be an arrogant Zassay, but fortunately, I was mistaken. Chris is an excellent guy. " "And I can say what I understand why women are delighted with him. I myself fell in love with him. Yes, Chris is a man of my dreams. And what is his press! Just a visionary, "jokingly crumbled in the delights of ED.

The original film "Vacation" was released in 1983 with Chevi Chase in the lead role. In the center of the plot was Clark Grizzavold, who decided to arrange an unforgettable holidays and go on a journey through the whole country. But the dreams of the idyllic trip were not destined to come true: the vacation turned into a series of ridiculous and funny adventures. After the deafening success of the first film on the screens, several sequels came out.

The grisdom matured to grow growing to surprise his wife Debbie and two sons offer to go on a trip across America ....

The grisdom matured to grow growing to surprise his wife Debbie and two sons offer to go on a trip across America ....

The new comedy "Vacation" talks about the next generation of Grisdoms, namely, grow grisdom - the son of Clark, whose role to fulfill Chevi Chase. Following the footsteps of the Father and hoping for such a necessary strengthening of their very scattered family, the grisdom agitated to grow, decides to surprise his wife Debbie and two sons by proposal to go across America in the "Family Recreation Park" Valley-Wild. But, of course, this journey could not do without ridiculous adventures.

... And this trip could not do without ridiculous adventures. .

... And this trip could not do without ridiculous adventures. .

Adam Sandler, Jason Sudayikis and Michael Rosenbaum were tried to grow grisdom. But as a result, this image on the screen was embodied by Ed Helms, a widely famous role of the dentist by Stu in the trilogy "Bachelor party in Vegas". "I have been a fan of films about Grissolds. And when I was offered to play in the picture "Vacations", I came to full delight, "the actor admits. "Besides, when you see how this family fails, once at once, a pleasant feeling of superiority over them appears, - jokingly continues ED. - You think: Thank God, I'm not such an eccentric, and my family is not so insane. But, on the other hand, it is this that is their crazy and attracts. And when they finally get everything, you sincerely happy for them. "

Kristina Epplgate played his wife. .

Kristina Epplgate played his wife. .

Kristina Epplgate played his wife to grow - the star of the series "Married ... with children." "The Grisdom family is really very nice, they sincerely love each other, although it is not always noticeable. And therefore they, of course, penetrate a big sympathy and compassion. But do not forget to leave a bit of sympathy and compassion for the actors, because on the set it was we had to participate in road accidents, freeze in cold water, hang down the head on the American slides, "Laughing, says the comedy actress, who is hardly for the first time in his career I had to survive such a huge number of tricks.

In one of the scenes of the film, Chris Hemsworth demonstrated his press. .

In one of the scenes of the film, Chris Hemsworth demonstrated his press. .

The press of Hemsworth can be well considered in one of the scenes, where his hero undresses to the underwear. However, the attention of most viewers will be riveted not to the stomach of the actor, but to what is just below. "The authors of the film decided that my hero should have a very big male dignity. And so I had to stuff in the panties artificial penis. All the shooting of this scene was very fun, I did not know where to go from shame, "says movie star. But in the end, Chris coped with him and personally participated in the selection of the Boutofan phallus, which would ideally come up with his character. Ed Helms after joked that neither the droplets were jealous of Chris, since it was his male dignity that served as a model to create this artificial penis. And Christina Applegate, laughing, offered after filming the film to give this unique props to the Museum of Smithsonian Institute.

Grisvold has played Ed Helms. .

Grisvold has played Ed Helms. .

Another major acting face of the picture is the minivan family of the Grisdom Tartan Skakun. The perfect vacation car was created on the basis of Toyota Preview 1995 release. To eliminate the recognizable Silhouette of Toyota, the car was tested by leaf iron. Then the clay forms were then cut off so that they subsequently correct the front and rear parts of the machine using fiberglass. Headlands from Lendrover were installed both in front and behind, the lateral mirrors were placed in the same way: after all, you never know from which corner will have to look at the road. On the rear window there are exactly the same janitors as on the frontal. A highlight of the car was the front seats rotating to the rear. Very useful sometimes function, but not only when you are going along the highway ... Actors appreciated this minivan and admitted that they would not refuse their own cars from such a "pumping".

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