Dalund road: travel rules behind the wheel


The ride on your own car has a lot of advantages: you do not need to look for train tickets and a plane, adapt to travel companions. All you need is to pour a full tank and make a trip route. We picked up advice for auto-designers lovers so that your time on the road did not stretch infinitely long.

Look for a reliable fellow traveler

An ideal companion knows what you can talk about with you, but what's wrong. Pay attention to this item, because you will have to spend alone a decent amount of time, and if the person annoys you, you will leave the car on the nearest refueling and go on foot, just not to divide the space with an annoyed interlocutor.

But the fellow traveler can serve not only an annoying factor, but also a means of sleep. According to statistics, more than half of the accident occur due to the fact that the driver fell asleep.

Choose the right companion

Choose the right companion

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Mouse over in the car

Before sitting behind the wheel and start a long trip, make sure that you do not carry anything extra in the cabin: empty bottles, papers, snacks, cups from under coffee and all in this way. However, do not limit the interior, check the trunk, glove, armrests and door niches.

Make a plan

Of course, a journey without a goal is an interesting adventure, however, if you have to go more than three days, you will have to think about overnight. The car, honestly, is not the best option.

Do not think that the navigator will save you in any situation: always have a paper card just in case.

always have a paper card with you

always have a paper card with you

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Have cash with you

A credit card is good and convenient, but in remote areas, she hardly come in handy. After all, there will be a lot of unforeseen situations on the road, and to look for an ATM in the forest or in the middle of the field - useless occupation.

If you take a lot of money, separate the bills: separately put large, and the small keeper with yourself in case of stopping the DPS officer. So you will not "shine" throughout the entire hook.

Search an ATM in an open field - not the best idea

Search an ATM in an open field - not the best idea

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Relatives should know where you are

Do not wait when you get to the destination. Send SMS or voice messages every hour so that in the event of an unforeseen situation you could quickly find geoded. Yes, and loved ones will be calmer if you know your approximate location.

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