What a woman wants: how to make dreams come true


The world is arranged in such a way that the desires of representatives of the weaker sex are faster and more worst than men's fantasies. It is worth the modern Eve of something very much, then, as they say, even God corrects his plans. The trouble is that women are very poorly concentrated on their desires. Or rather, instead of wanted the fulfillment of one big dream very much, the lady will definitely dispel his attention to a thousand small. Such is the female nature, and here it does not save any wardrobe, no reasonable arguments - there is no guarantee that, seeing some kind of unearthly beauty on the showcase, the lady will not want to acquire it.

In men, everything is exactly the opposite: there is a concentration, but Fortune is not so favorable to them. Fix the situation will help the traditional exchange of experience. Close to men, especially for men in the store: If he was sent for sausage, do not expect that he will also bring yogurt, potatoes, cabbage and a couple of shoes to himself. This is the concentration and power of will! It is she who helps from nature a less lucky male to exercise their cherished desires.

Therefore, firmly grate two things: the desire must be permanent and sustainable, and you should not be distracted by desires. Everything is simple - if you have one, maximum two strong desires, they will definitely implement.

Concentrate on the main desires

Concentrate on the main desires

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

It would be strange to expect from the runner of a brilliant result if right before the start he was asked to run for coffee. Absurd, you will say. However, to want immediately and a ring with a diamond, and a red convertible, and still a breathtaking brunet - absurd not smaller. Source to the ground, formulate a couple of fundamental desires and go to them without being distracted by nonsense.

However, it is impossible to completely forget that you are a woman, especially in our age "iron" lady. Leave yourself a couple of days a week to be capricious and changeable. The idea of ​​the Creator, probably, was that we studied with each other in some things, without turning out of the women in men. And learn about the trends of the current week will help my Weekly astrological forecast.

6 September. Today we will find an excellent routine environment. No important affairs and great achievements. Work as a bee, make your modest lept in the common cause and be satisfied with even a modest result.

September 7th. If your environment has a person who has power, influence and can help you solve your questions, contact him. Today you can also engage in children and solve their questions.

8 September. Today, all types of negotiations are given hard - people are not inclined to compromise, quite stubborn and conservative. It is good to solve those cases that require accounting scrupulsiness.

9th of September. Energy of the current Saturday would rather come over the working day. To be consonant in the sky, you can solve accumulated questions, promote things, negotiate, meet important people.

10 September. Excellent day for rest, relaxing, leisurely walks, visiting beautiful places.

11 September. We are waiting for a wonderful and productive Monday. Good performance, the ability to go towards each other - its main distinctive features.

Zhanna Wei, Master of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui

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