Nikita Mikhalkov: "Russian designers never dressed me"


In the Hall "Apple" Gallery Zurab Tsereteli just there was no apple to fall. Those who wish to see new Russian fashion, as well as those who show them, gathered more than originally planned. Chet Mikhalkov traditionally arrived on time and proceeded in their places in the first row.

The President of Tatiana Mikhalkov Foundation has already demonstrated all the seriousness of attitudes towards the event, appearing in the dress of one of the participants of the competition of young designers of the Russian Silhouette Foundation, Hava Arapiyeva.

"I am now in a beautiful mood: young designers, interesting stars. What else is so large-scale event goes away during the film festival? - Tatyana Evgeniev said. - Today, 10 actresses will take part in the show. We waited for Julia Peresilde, but she did not have time from the airport. Maria Poroshina also could not even for some kind of reasons. In general, for 13 years we have participated about 200 stars, we are very friendly with them ... "

Anastasia Makeev. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Anastasia Makeev. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Discarding the Russian Silhouette Foundation for the Russian Silhouette, Tatiana immediately called him in order to give up to journalists. He herself imperceptibly disappeared under the skeins - to solve organizational tasks. The TV presenter told the "MK-Boulevard" that he had a huge dressing room at home, where he kept all his stage costumes, who had accumulated him for more than a 20-year-old career.

"I sometimes wear a 20-year-old costume, and I tell me: where did you take it? And he just hung in the wardrobe, "said Yuri. - And at the show, I look at the clothes as an artistic work, on the idea. "

Meanwhile, the light was muffled in the hall. After the passage of the long-legged high girls on the podium, the very, for whom the good half of the spectators came: actresses of the theater and cinema took part in the show of Anastasia Zadorina. Opened the star output of the actress Irina Lachina, which went through a light spring gait under the applause of fans. Actress Maria Berseneva lasted the public with a naked shoulder, Anastasia Makeev caused a lot of discussions. True, they said not about the dress, but about the hairstyle: the actress briefly raised and made funny curls on his head. Having poured the press of the pen of the actress Natalia Lesnikovskaya.

By tradition, the show ended with a photo for memory. Immediately after shooting, we managed to ask a couple of questions on the fashionable topic Nikita Mikhalkov.

Tatyana Mikhalkov

Tatyana Mikhalkov

- On your wife's dress of one of the young designers. Do you have something like in your wardrobe?

- Not yet. But if we talk about my choice, then in general I put on what is convenient. My things are mostly - this is something a sports or hunting, which can be thrown into the angle, and then put on yourself. All my clothes are very practical. I hate things for which you need to follow so that they do not remember.

- What about famous Russian designers who willingly cooperate with the stars? Valentin Yudashkin, for example ...

- They never dressed me. I just never asked, but they did not offer.

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