Hollywood films with scenes from Russia


Vintage buildings, centuries-old history and indescribable Russian spirit - that, for what, famous directors are decided to include the scene from Russia in their creations. Want to know in what films can you see the homeland?

"Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"

Many well-known film about the history of the youth with the years of Benjamin contains scenes not only from America. In the course of the film, the main character goes on the ship to the far sailing to Murmansk, where he meets his first love. The novel of the married woman and the young old man is growing rapidly - the lover of souls are in favor of each other. Landscapes of the Northern Seaport only have to romantizing history. Lovers try typical Russian "delicacies" - black caviar, vodka and strong tea.

"Red Heat"

In those days, when Favorite Arnold Schwarzenegger was still an actor, and not a politician, he played a militant with an unusual plot. Most scenes imitating the image of Moscow were removed in Austria, but some of them still managed to capture in the capital. According to the plot, Arnold appears on the Red Square in military uniform and shoots a pistol. True, the American team failed to get the official permission to shoot, so the personnel had to take the secret. Schwarzenegger portrayed, as if posing to friends, and actually played a part of the script.

Brave Schwarzenegger was ready to go for a crime

Brave Schwarzenegger was ready to go for a crime

Photo: Frame from the movie "Red Heat"


The film, shot on the plot of the famous novel Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", was expected to starred in St. Petersburg. The actors Rif Fainz and Liv Tyler were convincingly played the roles of Evgenia and Tatiana, the love of which did not work out. Against the backdrop of the main scenes, the audience, this and the case notice the types of Neva, the Winter Palace and the other beautiful attractions of the Northern Capital. Russian critics appreciated the image of the Winter Petersburg, recognizing it very successful.

"Resident Evil: Retribution"

Surely, many know that Mill Yovovich has Russian roots - her mother come from Russia. The actress even played in the domestic comedy "Freaks", after which he persuaded his husband-director to remove the fifth part of the "Resident Evil" in the capital. Moscow authorities went to meet the Hollywood team and allowed to shoot a shot on the streets of the city and even in the subway, which is rare.

Mill Yovovich perfectly fits both in the American and Russian reality

Mill Yovovich perfectly fits both in the American and Russian reality

Photo: Frame from the film "Resident Evil: Retribution"

"007: Golden Eye"

The next series of "Bondians" turned into a secret agent journey to St. Petersburg. When you look at the film, you involuntarily remember the time when the streets of the city practically did not go cars and the masterpieces of architecture were not sealed by advertisements. The image of the city on the Neva in this film is true, very different from reality. Under the director's idea, this is a cluster of the military, fully obeying the totalitarian regime of the Board. The film's heroes ride in St. Petersburg on a huge tank. In reality, it did not work out: the sewer hatches would simply have endured the weight of the machine. But without this, the city beloved by many turned out to be very colorful.

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