Makar Zaporizhia: "I would love my wife, even if she were not an actress"


The choice of profession for Makara Zaporizhzhya became natural: his father played the cinema and on stage, Mom taught in Schepkinsky School. And while the actor does not complain, because there are roles, and the opportunity to try yourself as a producer, as it was in the film "I'll be back."

- Makar, you have a surname such a sonorous, more like a pseudonym ...

- No, this surname is real. I got from my dad. Dad from grandfather.

- You studied your pedigree, where did she go from?

- To the Zaporozhoy, as such, there is no relationship. Just so coincided. Even my dad, when served in the army, imagine, got into Georgia, in Gori, in Zaporizhia tank regiment. Fate.

- But your fate was predetermined from childhood. Dad Film Actor and theater Worker, Mother Associate Professor, Department in Shchepkinsky ...

- ... Yes, unfortunately, it was so. Although I did some aggressive to go my way, but it turned out to be little. Gone along the rolled.

- What did you want to do?

- I wanted to engage in psychology. But I can not say that far from it left. So I do not consider time to be missed. It seems to me that our profession is very connected with psychology, as in principle, and many others.

Makar Zaporizhia:

The actor is already lucky with roles in a variety of projects. From popular Russian comedies (on the photo frame from the series "Flying Crew") to Hollywood blockbusters

- Have you studied specialized literature on psychology?

- Read books, the methods studied all sorts. But I did not like a lot. It seemed that everything should be more likely, and there is a fairly cynical approach. Even now, listening to many psychologists, I understand that all their speeches repel.

- You started to film before Gitis in the "sins of fathers", then followed "my beautiful nanny", "Kulagin and partners", "Rublevka Live". What do you think the main starting point in the big world of the movie?

- I basically serial artist. I have a lot of meters. Therefore, I do not consider myself a big movie. Some kind of texture, psychophysics intelligible, not repulsive, I can remember the words, do what they ask. Apparently, on this and we converge with directors.

- Do you agree with the film critics who wrote that fame came to you with the role of Hockey player Dmitry Schukin in the TV series "Molodezhka"?

- She came to us to everyone after this series. Here is not some kind of film critics, but harsh objectivity.

- How did you feel on yourself?

- unfamiliar people began to write, call. Film company and the TV channel began to carry us in the press tours, presenting the project in different cities. I then thought: "Wow! This is a scope. I have never had this. " And then, I look, the second season, the third one-oh, went, went, like Pinocchio.

Makar Zaporizhia:

In the militant "Red Sparrow" Makar played with Jennifer Lawrence

Photo: Frame from the movie "Red Sparrow"

- It was tedious or did you get away with it?

- It was fun at first. But the question arose, and then what? I am not very close to family squabbles, relationships between adolescents on the screen. Before the first season, we did not know, for what they were with the sweat and blood, everyone fought for the idea. And in the future it became clear to me that the project is not developing in an interesting side for me. And I decided to round it, the benefit was an alternative, which appeared, by the way, thanks to the same "youth." In any case, this is invaluable experience with steep professionals, very useful!

- Gloss assigned to you after this show the title of sex symbol, was not hard to carry this load?

- Oh, hard. It seems to me that I am all confused, all his sex. (Laughs.) Just kidding. In my opinion, they assign it to everyone. This is not related to the truth. Each participant of the TV series "Molodechka" they handed this title. After all, these are young boys who can be smeared, like, and will be perfect.

- When you learn that there is a big star in the project, then you are experiencing a mandal?

"I have been 30 years old, well, what a mandrager, what a star, I beg you." If I had been a kid, I probably would have experienced it, now I understand who is actually a star.

Makar Zaporizhia:

Makar is in no hurry to call the TV series "Molodezhka" by the project of his dreams, but admits that he received a great experience and a huge audience audience

- In this case, what is remembered by working with the Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence in the spy thriller "Red Sparrow"?

- It seems to many that Hollywood, especially when he is hidden from many world actors curtain, is something incredible, unrestrained, delightful and stunning, real acting paradise. But when the curtain was raised for me, many things cleared up. Of course, there are a lot of differences in the equipment, resources. And on all fronts: material, technical, temporary. They have absolutely different measurements. When we need financially squeeze, then they have, if you do not grow, you will not even sign the budget.

- Is Jennifer Lawrence itself?

- In my opinion, Jennifer has become the highest paid actress Hollywood today, because she is just a fanatic of our profession! Four projects per year closes as an actress. Then he writes something, produces, is going to shoot, she has promotional contracts. Plus she is completely young, healthy mentally and physically, so it can afford to work so much and earn. Any normal person seems to me that it would have cracked. Meril Strip could also, probably, to earn so much, but it just does not need it. And here, apparently, young-fun, why not? As they say, dance, while young. And as a person she is just a soul of the company. It can be placed in a circle of friends, and will not be boring at all for a second. All the time joking, laughs, it is very fun. At the site, when we worked with her, no special America opened: a good, technical partner is a big luck.

Makar Zaporizhia:

Makar is not limited to filming of cinema and serials. The actor regularly goes to theatrical scene. In the photo: a fragment of the play "Fathers and Sons" Theater of Mayakovsky

- After watching her, you, apparently, decided to speak in a new quality of producer?

- Everyone says: producer, and I do not understand what is the unexplored? Here we want to buy an apartment with you. We do everything to purchase the one we need. And then repair and move to her live. With producing the same. We wanted to make something interesting with my friend and partner by Benik Arakelyan. What, as we think, is missing. And they made their own and their own. What we like.

- What did the project hooked you?

- I really liked in Armenia. And also near your friend, the Benic, with whom you have long been inseparable. And he has a living history of first mouth. When we plunged tightly into all this, we saw not pictures of panoramic mountains and sunsets - there were other flavors, a different life, real. I am not a rustic person, so everything was exotic for me. I could not care for it and not try to present everything in an artistic way and make a story from this. But I wanted to make a film, in which there would be silence. So that in the air all questions existed. Sokurova has several works in this vein, although it may be immodest comparison. But the viewer thinks more and speaks with himself, than the author. I wanted it. Many silent scenes: people eat, look, it would seem, nothing happens. But all this is important.

- Two actors in the family, bearing in mind your spouse Catherine Smirnov - are these big difficulties or advantages for you?

- I used to me anyway. Now I want us to talk about something other than the profession so that we do not know what is being done in the center of Polyakova, Pankov, that Grymov set and as we treat it. I played everything in it - in love for the profession. There was just love, not even to the profession, to life at all. I want to cover all it, not limited to one theater. But I would love my wife, even if she had not been an actress.

- You were not against the fact that Catherine decided to leave her maiden after the wedding?

- Of course not. She can even come up with some third, this is her business.

- Are you alike or different?

- We are absolutely different. We are all completely different points of view. But patience and work will be pulled out.

Makar from those happy men who are waiting for the women's kingdom at home. The actor married to classmate Catherine Smirnova. In 2015, the spouse gave Makar to daughter Alexander. And recently, another baby appeared in the family, which was called Elizabeth

Makar from those happy men who are waiting for the women's kingdom at home. The actor married to classmate Catherine Smirnova. In 2015, the spouse gave Makar to daughter Alexander. And recently, another baby appeared in the family, which was called Elizabeth

- Who remains with your daughters today, when the parents have a job?

- Katyusha is not particularly removed. But if you go to the theater, then she drowshes there, will work on everything in a row, infinite. While we had one daughter, Alexander, worked as a rotational method. Agave who will remain. And now, if I have a lot of work, then the question does not get up, who will be with the youngest, Elizabeth. Of course, Mom. But I dream already take the children with him, be with them together at work. And Katya everything worries that they will be uncomfortable there, they will get sick. Wait and see.

- Younger, Elizabeth, probably pleased with everyone, because the age of such, but how older leads you to delight?

- She's just a bomb. And no slow down action. This is a photon charge. As Gorizhtein says that if the children are at home, then it is some kind of eternal philosophical carnival. It happens, I ask the older: "Al, what is this house?" And this is the maternity hospital to which we came to recently waving the handle mom. She says: "This is a homeland!" And this is really homeland for her. And it will remain so for her for the rest of life: alley, house and black fence. And all thoughts are. Very fun and interesting.

- Does she already understand who is going to become?

- While everything is inexorably moving towards our field with his wife. For all fronts. She dances, sings, now went to the violin. It happens on our performances, grows behind the scenes and in the dressing shops. Measures all wigs, dresses, costumes, smearing all in a row.

- The choice of the artistic profession does not scare you?

- Here you need to be neat and calm. In three years, speak with a person about choosing a profession is quite hoarse. And then it is really fun. I think the daughter of the accountant would not neglect the artificial oblique. Still can change, change. And to such an extent that we can not imagine now.

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