How to combine business and family


What to choose - career or family? This question is facing many women. However, to give preference to something one is not worth it. You can be simultaneously successful in business and happy in the family. And still find time on the hobby.

Rule first - no rigid framework

Build a clear routine of the day and strictly follow him - this is suitable for men, in my opinion. For women, you need a more flexible approach. It is much more effective not to paint on the clock, what to do today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and make a list of cases for a week. And when exactly and which of them do - you can decide on circumstances.

How to combine business and family 32941_1

Yana Kutuev - Owner and Head of the Production Company "Atmosphere"

Materials press services

For example, if a child fell ill and had to stay at home, you can pay the time to discern mail, the preparation of presentations or commercial offers, strategic planning. And if, on the contrary, you need to spend mycomers in the hospital, on the way you can come to a business meeting.

Rule Second - delegate

Many girls managers are afraid to give a solution to some tasks subordinates. It is believed that no one can cope with them better. Maybe it really is. But even if the project is performed well, and not excellent, it's still great! But you saved a lot of time and can use it for more important goals. This also applies to household issues. Yes, many husbands still are skeptical about the household assistants. And they believe that it means to take your love to be removed and cook. And therefore, it is impossible to convey these duties. But try to explain to your spouse that when you are like a drunk horse, you will not be able to give him care, tenderness, affection. And the cleaner once a week will make you joyful, happy and give you the strength on the family.

Third rule - work remotely to the maximum

Many people think that remote work is only the prerogative of programmers or designers, for example. In fact, people of so many professions can fulfill their duties from the house or, for example, the hotel's rooms by the sea. Lawyers, accountants, SMM specialists, advertising managers ... Even if you are not working on yourself, but by hiring, try convincing the manual that such a format will be more efficient. For a start, agree that remotely you will work just once a week. And if the quality of your work does not suffer, then try to increase this period.

People of so many professions can fulfill their duties from the house or, for example, the hotel's rooms by the sea

People of so many professions can fulfill their duties from the house or, for example, the hotel's rooms by the sea


This option will give you more mobility. At a minimum, you will save two hours a day on the road.

If you have your own business, the more try not to be tied to it. You must pick up the most highly qualified professionals to leave a calm soul to leave as often as you want. To be able to drive children to various sections and spend a lot of time with her husband together. And, of course, invest money in personnel training to always know that your rear replays.

In fact, when the manager is not in the office, it clarifies how much efficient system you built. If everything is collapsed without you, it means that an error in the business model is made. It must be corrected and then control only global questions.

Rule fourth - time for yourself

In addition to business and work, the girl must find time and on itself. That is how it can constantly draw energy and charge it with loved ones. Make a list of minimum of 20 things that you bring pleasure. For example, eat a cake in a cafe, listen to music, read the book, play the piano, go to dancing ...

Make a list of minimum of 20 things that you bring pleasure

Make a list of minimum of 20 things that you bring pleasure


And every day make at least one thing from this list. And you will be amazed at how much you will feel happier. And when you have a good mood and strength, it will be much easier to cope with all tasks.

Rule fifth - do personal PR

Now, to achieve success in business, it is more important to be media. People want to buy from those who know who they trust. So, you need to engage in personal PR. It is this that will increase the number of your customers and will provide an opportunity to increase the average check. This means that you will work less, and earn more. And you can give the maximum time to pay your family. This trend concerns those who work for hire. The more you are a well-known expert in your field, the higher you will have a salary. And the more interesting proposals on cooperation you will receive.

It is necessary to seriously approach their social networks

It is necessary to seriously approach their social networks


So what do you need to become a star in your field? First, seriously come to keeping our social networks. Regularly write useful posts, make high-quality, beautiful photos, engaged in advertising your profile. Secondly, give interviews to journals and TV channels on their topics, prepare comments and articles. Third, try to become a speaker on specialized conferences and participate in professional competitions. And all this is not as difficult as it seems. Detach this work at least an hour per day, and you will get striking results. And if necessary, it is possible for this task to find assistants.

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