He will not come: how do you "love" loneliness in your life


Often, we are in captivity of the circumstances, it is not always possible to change something in the life of the will actually, and yet, according to the statistics of family psychologists, the reasons for our personal failures often lie in our attitude towards the situation. We decided to figure out for which reasons sometimes we ourselves deprive themselves happiness to be someone's second half.

"All the good have already disassembled"

Surely you remember your girlfriend or a friend who complained about the lack of decent candidates for her hand and heart: "This, of course, good, earns decently, but lives with mom, why do I need it?" Or "This is a handsome, they don't get married at all, I'm not going to spend time on it." Or maybe such thoughts visit you?

The problem of such women as you can guess, in the depreciation of the candidate even before the dating. The ideal that no real man cannot correspond to the head "lives", and therefore each first are shortcomings, and why a woman is such a problem beloved? Although it is not worth excluding the situations where a man is really not suitable for temperament, nature and life goals.

In such a situation, you can advise at least try to stop hiding from men. Yes, the relationship may not always bring positive emotions, but it's still not worth a deprivation of such experience, because no one can say exactly who will fall on your way: maybe this person will change all your life.

Allow a man to enter your life

Allow a man to enter your life

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

"Only married" attract me.

Moreover, a woman can indignant the position of his mistress, while it will not take any attempts to stop building the likeness of a relationship with a busy man.

In this case, the woman receives emotions from contact and communicating with a man, but at the same time she does not have to take responsibility in relations - no one should anyone. At the same time, such relationships bring a lot of disorders and are often doomed to failure, because a man who has decided to make a mistress, is hardly going to divorce and devote a woman all his time with which he just nice to spend time.

What to do? Just think that such a terrible and unpleasant can bring you a family and a serious relationship with a man. Perhaps you should give a chance to yourself and a person who will be ready to associate life with you.

"I still will not be loved by what I am"

And again a negative installation. A woman, insecure in herself, is hardly able to find a man who reciprocates her feelings. Increased anxiety, suspicion literally create a wall between a woman and an outside world. Any man is a potential danger to mental equilibrium and self-esteem.

Of course, it is impossible to leave everything. If you cannot work a problem yourself, you will definitely receive a consultation of a specialist who will find the reason for your distrust with you, and after solving the problem you will notice how your surroundings begins to change.

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