Strong woman: Irina Pegova is changing the role


It is said that love lives for three years. But Irina Pegov destroyed this stereotype. True, in relation to the role. The actress was waiting for a long time, when the scenario of the Commissar will be ready. At some point, Irina stopped believing that this project would generally happen in her life. And now we passed the cherished three years, the role was prescribed, and the embodiment of a complex image began.

However, the actress could not worry. After all, the director of the series Elena Nikolaeva saw only Irina and did not refuse his idea. "First, her face from that era. And secondly, not every actress is lying through Mongol, when at her, as on Tikhonov's actor, look every second. Ira - from those! " - explains Elena Nikolaeva. Even the performers of other roles in the Commissionersche were picked up near Pegov.

There are no little tricky scenes in the series. And many of them the accents decided to fulfill themselves without resorting to the help of cascaders

There are no little tricky scenes in the series. And many of them the accents decided to fulfill themselves without resorting to the help of cascaders

A separate and difficult task was the selection of the characteristic attributes of the era. Even the money from the heroes were real. And the shooting sites became abandoned estates, plants, dense forests of the Leningrad region. Under the decorations were the work methods. "No computer graphics! Ourselves fall the scenery and sweat themselves. True, with the fight in the city of Kronstadt arose difficulties. We wanted to remove the scene in which only from the machine gun had to shoot a thousand idle cartridges. In addition, it was necessary to arrange an explosion. As a result, permission was necessary to contact very high instances. And we did not let down! None of the window suffered! " - tells the director.

Irina Pegova for the role studied smoking, as the actress itself is expressed. Master the harmful habit, fortunately, failed. But to feel deeper to feel the atmosphere, the surroundings of his heroine, Irina wandered on flea markets in search of things of that time. Accidentally, the actress found the lighter made from the sleepers and a glass with the engraving "1943". This year, the events of the "Commissioner" series are unfolding.

Unlike other serials, Commissionwhaery was filmed for the most part in natural scenery. The necessary texture was found in the cities of the Leningrad region

Unlike other serials, Commissionwhaery was filmed for the most part in natural scenery. The necessary texture was found in the cities of the Leningrad region

Pegov recognizes that the image of Galina is an atypical role for her. Heroine actresses in cinema charming, touching, adventurous. Commissar is a tough, harsh woman. Over the years of service in police and battles at the front, Semenov became a fundamental and terrible honest. But fate prepared Galina another test. The main line is the relationship between the mother and the child who grew up without it. Adult son - a member of a gang that terrorizes the city. And Galina on debt service is obliged to arrest these people and punish. But the love of his son is stronger and confuses all the threads.

"This is a rare case when I liked the script from the beginning to the end. You imagine: Because of the love of a homeland, a woman threw not only a personal life from his head, but also abandoned her son's upbringing! She is not up to men who are ready for her for everything. Ideanly charged woman, in front of which the choice is: What is more important - son or fatherland. Considering that the person lives the idea only about the victory ... "- divides thoughts about the role of Irina Pegov.

Maxim Emelyanov (left) played the son of the main character and part-time the member of the gang, the image of the leader of which was embodied on the screen Alexey Shevchenkov

Maxim Emelyanov (left) played the son of the main character and part-time the member of the gang, the image of the leader of which was embodied on the screen Alexey Shevchenkov

Actress is close in its own and understand the drama commissioners. Irina Pegova is my mother too. Grow wonderful daughter Tatiana, which is very similar to Irina. But on the professional footsteps of the famous mother, it is not hurry. In 2014, Tanya was filmed in the film Alexey Teacher "Eight" with Irina. The process was not easy. Often Tanya Caprician and did not go to the shooting area. Pegov promised her daughter: then it will surely buy a doll Rapunzel. But after the project, Tanya said everything else: "Mom, so that this is more than ever in my life. I do not want to be an actress! "

If the Irina daughter was on the shooting area "Eight" by chance, the candidacy of Peregova became the natural choice of Alexey Teacher. Actress and director are friends for a long time. On the graduation play "FRO" in Gitis, the teacher was struck by Talent Pegova and immediately offered her to be filmed in his work. Thus, the director opened for Peg road to cinema. The debut of the deserved artist was the film "Walk". Initially, Alexey teacher was looking for an actress of model appearance, but he refused to everyone and approved Pegov. Colleagues were shocked: why does he need such a "pampushka"? But the directorial flair did not fail. "Walk" took a lot of awards of different festivals. Including "for the best female role."

Oleg Fomin, who played the chief of the police department, came up with a characteristic detail for his hero - mustache. According to the actor, this is exactly what he represented his grandfather, who during the war served in the bodies and struggled with crime

Oleg Fomin, who played the chief of the police department, came up with a characteristic detail for his hero - mustache. According to the actor, this is exactly what he represented his grandfather, who during the war served in the bodies and struggled with crime

Irina Pegov is successfully playing on theatrical stage. After the series "Commissars", an actress is waiting for another premiere at the Moscow Art Theater: "Light way. 1917. In this performance, the actress will perform the role of Hope Krupskaya. Perhaps the "Commissar" helped the actress to create an image of an active revolutionary. It is possible that the role of a strong woman will consolidate for Irina Pegs for a long time.

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