Themes for which you can not talk with parents


Many people want not to simply maintain good relationships with parents, but also become friends. Of course, this is fine, when mutual understanding is established between generations, but psychologists are confident, there are a number of topics that should not be affected in communicating with the closest relatives. Violating this rule, you spoil the connection that exists only between you and parents.

Discussion of intimate life

Probably the most inappropriate topic at the meeting. Whatever close to your relationships with parents, discussion of sexual preferences, the number of partners and everything in such a spirit will be extremely awkward and inappropriate.

The same applies to parents: Your children are not the best interlocutors when it comes to sex, better ask the advice from a friend / friend who are in a completely different plane of your circle of communication.

However, in adolescence with the child, you need a conversation about intimate health, since besides you, no one will no longer. It is important to tell a teenager about how important it is to be protected and what consequences can be in unprotected sexual contact. Such conversations should be carried out depending on the appearance of interest from your teenager to the opposite sex, usually this is 14-16-year-old teens.

Children hear everything: do not discuss in their presence of other relatives

Children hear everything: do not discuss in their presence of other relatives


Discussion of other family members in a negative key

This is absolutely not worth it, especially to condemn your own children, even if they committed something, in your opinion, stupid and unreasonable. Your parents will certainly be unpleasant to hear criticism against their grandchildren. Do not allow nonsense comments and addressed close relatives in the presence of small children who broadcast around everything that hear. It is unlikely that you are ready for an open conflict with parents who will tell the baby by negligence about your attitude towards them.

Constantly complain

Everyone wants to receive support in a difficult moment, but put on the flow of constant complaints and turn them into a daily ritual at the dinner table - not the best idea. Negative should not turn into a habit. It is better to ask the Council at Mom or Pope, not rolling towards the indictment tone, for example: "On the roads are all the chams, it is impossible to ride" or "a friend does not know how to choose men, but because she ...". Do not carry the house of indignation.

Parents themselves will ask you to advice if necessary

Parents themselves will ask you to advice if necessary


Give unnecessary advice

Parents at least one more than you twice, so your advice they did not ask, they are absolutely not needed, especially when you begin to criticize the behavior of your own mother or father. Remember that the advice is good only when it needs.

Many people want to become a friend to their parents

Many people want to become a friend to their parents


Hot discussions on religion, politics and issues that are not yet an answer

All these topics cause a rapid reaction not only from colleagues and friends, but they can become a "apple of discord" even in the most prosperous family. Your parents are the same people as all those with whom you have previously discussed, let's say, elections in a once friendly country, do not think that some other reaction awaits you. To prevent the scandal, do not delve into the discussion, if you see a negative reaction to your words, it is better to translate the conversation to another topic.

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