Egor Koreshkov: "Finding, you become a stupid child, an awkward unconscious bear"


Today, Egor Koreshkov is one of the most sought-after young actors. His acting biography develops so that it is interesting and the usual viewer, and those who are a fan of copyright movie. Although "bitterly" Jora Kryzhovnikova, where the actor played the groom, conquered it seems to everyone. According to one of the glossy magazines, it is recognized as the most stylish actor 2017. But this does not prevent him from staying by a simple, sincere and attentive person. Not a gram of snobism. Moreover, he almost always goes on the subway and, according to him, no discomfort is experiencing.

- Egor, have you been a pleasant recognition?

- You never know how to treat it. All the same, it is ashamed. If I am asked to take a picture, I always agree, because it is important to people. Literally a couple of days ago, it was fled on business and suddenly it came across a person who did not give me to pass and said: "Can I have a photo?" I did not even understand how he had time to see me. (Laughs.) Of course, on the one hand, it's nice: it means that people watch the film, they like what you are doing, but you immediately get into the field of public attention and you can not be relaxed. And this is the reverse side of the coin. Sometimes I think: "We need to be less removed less, because otherwise you can go crazy, or to act so that it was creatively, worthy of seeing, but not massively." (Laughs.)

- You have so many arthow and festival films. Just at certain points you need a non-invisible hat.

- Yes Yes Yes. Bribes when they do not recognize because you are completely different in life. For example, I represent me: "Egor Koreshkov - the actor, starred there, there, and there." And in response I hear: "Oh well! I watched. And who did you play? " (Laughs.) And then they say: "It can not be, it's not you."

- I read how you always deeply "Copate", preparing for the role, for example, to a pianist in "Metamorphosis" ...

- Yes, I always try to find a maximum of literature or learn something connected with the role, and I re-read the script for many times, I understand your line. I am surprised when I come across the actors who come to the platform and know only today's scene. But after all, the cinema is not in chronological order, which means you have to understand why the hero today is what happened before. Otherwise, the viewer will begin to spit and ask questions: "What does he lead to himself, he loved her in the last stage, but he does not notice her at all?" And all because the actor inside there was nothing and everything became artificial.

With colleagues in the workshop: Alexander Palem and Anna Tsukanova-Cott

With colleagues in the workshop: Alexander Palem and Anna Tsukanova-Cott

Photo: Personal archive of Egor Koreshkova

- We are all often waiting for something: dates, rides on holiday, meetings with a new film. And sometimes the more you expect, the less you get impressions. And your expectations from work and in personal plan always justified?

- Several times, my big expectations were not just justified, and the film or the situation turned out to be much grand and unthinkable than I could imagine it. The most stunning impression is the sunset on the Gran Canyon. The emotions that swept me when I saw it live, do not give in to the description at all. I had a feeling that I was in another universe, so largely and beautiful. Some works in which I was filmed, also justified my hopes. So it was with "bitterly", and with "optimists." I really waited for the film "La La Land", also because I liked the first film director of "obsession". And I got out of the hall shocked - it fell into me so much, because it was removed exactly and very deeply, despite the light genre of the musical. The picture affects very important, exciting and urgent things, by the way, the first name of the film is "Dreamers."

- Are you a dreamer?

- Yes, I am a dreamer. A few years ago I looked at the documentary "Secret". I had enough fifteen minutes to penetrate me. The main idea is to dream and go directly to this. And it does not matter to get a full result - the path itself is important.

- Your hero from the "Optimists" series is a diplomat. Diplomacy is a compromise game. Are you prone to this?

- First of all, I try to be sincere with myself, and only then with people. I am for the truth, but sometimes it can be very rude, painful, not necessary for anyone, can only harm, aggravate the situation, and deception, on the contrary, will be good. Therefore, at such a moment it is better to include a diplomat. I remember how in my childhood I asked my mother when I called home: "Tell me that I don't", but most often she said: "I will not lie," no matter how I begged her. (Laughs.) And, it seems, I was transferred to this line, I have an inner guardian of the truth, and if suddenly it happens to learn something, I start to suffer, right up to the fact that I call a person and confess that it was wrong or Not entirely honest.

Egor Koreshkov:

In the picture "Without borders", the character of Egory falls in love with a blind girl

Frame from the movie "Without Borders"

- Is there a difference in disputes with a man and a woman?

- These are absolutely different spaces. When you argue with a friend, with a friend, then you can most often appeal to anything. And if you carefully and respect your beloved person, you do not want to cross the framework. But at the same time you do not want to make a compromise (laughs), because if you infamune, it will always be. It is important to confidence and the ability to feel each other.

- I think you are a rather shy man ...

- Yes, by nature, I closed, but because of my profession and life experience, some features change, erased. I became more free. But in general, I still more listener and viewer. At the same time, for me there is no problem to turn on and in the center of attention. And in childhood, I could not even imagine this.

- In Gitis, felt freer?

- Even earlier, when he began to act as acting in college. In the first year, my classmate and I put the "glass beast" Williams. I was the main character, and a storyteller. It became a huge step for me, before that I did not imagine myself at the stage at all, rather dreamed of a musical career. The performance was a great success. Our teachers looked and cried. And it was not tears of happiness and mildness, because we ourselves did something. They really connected to the story, empathized. That's, I first felt that I could and I want to become an actor. And the internal struggle with himself began, the liberation of a closed person. (Laughs.)

- And why did you suddenly want to play percussion instruments? Dad was a gobist in the orchestra of the Plenev, and Mom is a classic singer.

- Dad still in the orchestra Fedoseev worked. They both graduated from the Moscow Conservatory. When mom and dad asked me, on what I would like to play, I began to reflect on the question, which is the main thing in the music. It came to the conclusion that it is a rhythm. Therefore, he said with confidence: "Of course, on the drums." I was given to the music school in the class of drums. Played on xylophone. I had a portable tool at home - only the upper surface, without legs.

- And actually sticks on the drums?

- Sure. At first there was a rubber panel, which I worked out a blow, and with time a small drum appeared. And so as not to make noise on the whole house, I needed a piece of fabric from above. Then I had my own group of Sarah Jessica Parker, but at that time I had already fled from the music school.

Egor Koreshkov:

In the role of Journalist Janis in the film "Champions: Faster. Above. Stronger"

Frame from the film "Champions: faster. Above. Stronger"

- Nevertheless, you were thinking about music as a profession, and acting was still the top ...

- At first, at all was going to flow into the economic. I wanted to make money and thought, in what profession I can do it, in which Silen. And it was mathematics. The economic approached perfectly, however, I did not imagine myself in the office. But I did not do. Something still saved me from it.

- Parents did not discourage you from the idea of ​​entering the economic, did not worry, what do you want to do it just because there is not enough funds?

- It moved by me, but not by them. They just did not interfere. And I tried as it could, parallel worked, even a handyman at the factory. (Laughs.) And the waiter was, and a bartender, studying in college, and in the theater already worked as a consuming consignment and even playing something in the theater.

- But the student is also the time of novels, loves ...

- Our teacher in speech at the Institute of Culture - High, Static, Pretty Woman - Tell us: "You must choose: either theater or love, because these are incompatible things." So it turned out: as soon as I gave love more and the soul, I immediately missed something in school and work, and on the contrary, I didn't fit in love - everything was well in shape on a professional front.

- You graduated from Gitis, and it seems, I immediately went to work, soon the "eighties" appeared ...

- Not immediately, in a year somewhere, invited to the "eighties." If you look at my filmography, at the very beginning you will see some items - not quite cute.

Egor Koreshkov:

In the sensational series "Optimists" Egor played diplomat

Frame from the series "Optimists"

- One cool glossy magazine awarded you with the title "The most stylish actor-2017". You can already walk with a proudly raised head and on all who are not dressed like this, look a little bit down, but it seems to me that there are no snobs in you. Moreover, you mentioned that we go to the subway.

- I go on the subway all the time. (Laughs.) I do not have a car. And I do not want to have it, although I am pleased to drive when traveling in America or Europe. But to stand in Moscow traffic jams, besides, when all the reckon, search, where to park, I do not like it at all. Living in the center, in my opinion, ride the car in general is meaningless.

- Nevertheless, many of your colleagues will go for four hours, to suffer, be late, but will not come to the nearest metro.

- I feel quite comfortable in the subway. Some of my acquaintances also say that they are better to go by car, let it longer, with traffic jams, but in comfort, with good music. I am free and do not want to lose so much time. In addition, my profession is to watch people. Metro, Streets, including located far from the center, are the best places for this. Yesterday, for example, I was in the area of ​​Izmailovsky Park, went to the cafe and realized that this was a completely different world, not the one in the center. The feeling as if I went abroad or in another city. It helps to look at yourself and at their surroundings from the side. Many cinematographers write scripts or remove films about universal things, from the point of view of their circle. And this does not correspond to reality.

- Almost all your colleagues say that in life they do not play. Although sometimes large artists for the benefit of the case or involuntarily play a little. Have you watched this?

- Everything is relative. It happens, and I communicate with colleagues, and I want to say: "Stop, enough, you are not on stage" or "Turn off the camera!" But I do not know all the pitfalls, which is why it happens, sometimes these are subconscious fears to stop, be uninteresting. Many actors always want to fill the space. Sometimes they say, they say, I play something. But where is the line between human openness and acting in life?

Egor Koreshkov:

"Sometimes, at the very beginning of love, the waves of excessive romanticism and sentimentality rolling me.

Photo: Personal archive of Egor Koreshkova

- Have you ever noticed a train from the hero after long-lasting filming or rehearsals?

- Yes, for example, in the film "Metamorphosis" at my hero was tick. And he was so associated with work and with the authors - Sergey Taramayev and any Lvov, that when I met them after time, there was a relapse, and a little started to twitch the eye. Reflex worked. A very important idea was once said to Svetlana Zemkakov, my teacher according to speech, that we are not, the actors, we bring something to your heroes, and these heroes settle in us. And when I heard it, I really looked back on my classmates and understood the whole problem of the distribution - it gets the role of a happy person, and the other is depressive, and he begins to identify himself with the character, bring it into his life and distribute such energy. It happens to the actor the fact that he came up with himself, and it moves from the film to the film. And it happens, on the contrary, people, putting on all new and new heroes, are lost and nothing can understand anything. I am very important to adequacy, so I try to pauses between work.

- You just turned thirty-one, some click on the thirty digit?

- At the age of twenty, you run a breaking head, and on the way you still want to grab it, and that, all the pockets and run, run even further without regard. And so about thirty years. (Laughs.) Someone runs faster, someone slower, and someone understands that he did not run there at all. I can not say that for me thirty years - this is a kind of line, but now I can walk, even suspend, look back, see if someone runs for me and ahead, devad legs and go further, but more consciously, understanding What grated into my pockets on the road.

In August, Egor Koreshkov and Julia Hlynina stopped hiding their novel

In August, Egor Koreshkov and Julia Hlynina stopped hiding their novel

Gennady Avramenko

- They say: "Twenty years - there is no mind and will not, thirty years - there is no family and will not ..."

"I know the saying:" If you did not marry up to twenty-five, then it's too early. "

- And what do you want early?

- This is a question of the presence of a particular person. Or he is, or it is not. My heart is already inconspicuous, there is a person, I can boldly declare it. But it happened not so long ago.

- And are you ready for decisive steps?

- When there is exactly the person, you want to have everything with him: and a stamp in a passport, and a child, and a family, and a cottage, and travel. You want your life to devote him.

- Are you in love?

- Yes, I am a bad self (smiles), but this happens rarely. I do not believe those who say: "I am so in love", and he fell in love this month, in a month - again, then also. In my opinion, this man simply does not control himself in general, he has changed consciousness. With age, the internal rules appear, the framework, the idea of ​​which girl should be. Therefore, it is even more difficult to find the one that is suitable for these parameters. Although I did not see anyone specifically, I was lucky.

- A loved one should share your interests even at the level of the consumer?

- But something must be intersect. Or you need to die with a person with other interests, but for a long time you will not last. You will die, die, and then think: "Lord, you will not remake you at all! And why do I need all this? "

- Are you romantic?

- Sometimes I roll over the waves of excessive romanticism and sentimentality, such that even most of them becomes. (Laughs.) But most often it happens at the beginning of love, when strong emotions suddenly poured on you and as if a dusty bag beat on the head to some loss of consciousness. You become a stupid child, awkward bear.

- not yet covered with a protective shell?

"I can't say that the shell grew up and I don't see anything, I do not hear." No, on the contrary, if it is, then quite transparent. I think I have a protective aura. Inside it, I go completely free. But it is impossible to be open and frank all the time, otherwise they will eat. You should be strong, and inaccessibility should be felt in you.

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