Smoothie: Means for weight loss or extra calories


The smoothie has long become a popular trend in the sphere of Zoz and Wellness. These delicious and helpful drinks are easy to prepare alone for every taste and preferences. We understand in the potential benefits of a smoothie for health and find out whether they can actually help when dealing with overweight.

What do smoothie do

The basic variant of this thick, creamy drink includes two ingredients (base and liquid). Smoothies are prepared from fruits, berries and vegetables with the addition of nuts, seeds, herbs and spices. Dry ingredients can be poured with different juices, nectars, cow or vegetable milk, kefir and drinking yogurt. Often in the composition of ice cream, matcha and spiritual powder (biomass of cyanobacteria). We advise you to add frozen berries or crushed ice, if you want to give a drink a consistency of a cold milk cocktail.

Benefit for health

According to WHO recommendations, adults need to consume at least 5 servings (approximately 400 g) fruits and vegetables per day. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle replace smoothies breakfast, afternoon school or ordinary snack, and this is an effective way to include more healthy products in your daily diet. Smoothies prepared mainly of fresh and frozen ingredients increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables containing fiber, antioxidants and different necessary vitamins organism, minerals. Together, these beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on inflammatory processes in the body, improve digestion, reduce the risk of chronic diseases. In common ingredients for smoothies, food fibers are contained that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and strengthen the immunity.

Banana can be a good sweetener for smoothies

Banana can be a good sweetener for smoothies


Some beverage options contain a lot of sugar

The difference between the useful and harmful smoothies consists as ingredients. Often in juices or nectars contain too many sugar, which reduces the beneficial properties of this drink. Added sugar, if it is constantly used in an unlimited quantity, increases the risk of diabetes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. According to WHO recommendations, sugar consumption must be limited to 25-50 g per day (6-12 teaspoons). A large number of honey, syrup, sweet yogurt and ice cream should be avoided. When cooking this drink at home you can use a banana to sweeten a little.

Smoothie helps in overweight

Smoothie helps in overweight


Do you help smoothies when weight loss?

These drinks can really help to lose weight, if you do not exceed your daily calorie consumption rate. Smoothies attach a sense of saturation, help control the portions of food and do not get rid of harmful meals. The main thing is to avoid added sugar in the beverage. In addition, products and nutrients contained in smoothies improve the intestinal operation, prevent constipation. You can, a couple of times a week or during a unloading day, replacing this drink is not afternoon, but a full dinner. It is important to remember that nutritional needs and the ability to lose weight range depending on age, level of activity, health status and lifestyle.

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