Threat from outside: Errors that make a man to leave after the birth of a child


For each family, the birth of a child is a turning point, life will never be the same. The first years of the life of the baby is rightfully considered the most difficult in the relationship of his mom and dad, today we decided to collect basic mistakes that are committing inexperienced couples and the avoidance of which will allow you to save the family.

A man cannot "read" you

Most of the complaints of a young mother in the direction of her husband are born mainly about fatigue, and not so much physical, how much emotional overvoltage: "He does not see that I'm tired?", "Could and help, sees that I need not easy." . No, does not see. The psyche of men is arranged in a completely different way, and therefore hints, long looks it does not perceive as a signal to help. If you need something, tell him about it, so you facilitate your life and avoid another quarrel.

Do not dwell completely on the child

Do not dwell completely on the child


You put yourself in the position of the victim

Whether it happens in your pair: a man returns from work, and you have already managed to rehearse the sad expression of the face, supported by the exhausted look. And again everything so that the man finally drew attention to how you suffer in everyday life. In a similar approach, there is one huge minus - a man begins to feel not guilty, but rather, Tyran, because you yourself show him how he brought you. Naturally, this will not like a single normal man. How do you understand, the case again goes to a quarrel. You can solve this problem only by taking responsibility for your life and actions on yourself: Yes, you are hard, but the man is definitely not the extreme in this story - you build a family on equal rights.

In your world there is only a child

Probably, we all heard of the young mammies phrases like: "We walked", "the dad did not go with us," "Dad is missing for us." For a woman, there is nothing strange in such a close union of itself and a child, however, for a man, such "we" sounds like "I and the child", and dad somewhere aside. So you yourself do not understand, move the man into the background, he ceases to be a member of your life. It is important to learn how to separate yourself and the child when communicating with a man: For the kid, he is a father, for you - a favorite man who also needs attention.

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