Anastasia Stotskaya: "The main thing is to get enough sleep"


Now a huge number of different techniques and recovery exercise complexes. You just need to be lazy and choose what is suitable for you. For example, I prefer yoga. I am engaged twice a week. Yoga is perfectly suitable for pregnant women.

Recipe dishes in order to return to the form, simple: less there. To come as soon as possible to normal, you still need to just move much, drink no less than two liters of water a day, to do a favorite sport. Be in a circle of your favorite people - your family.

Favorite men Anastasia - husband Sergey and Son Alexander - were very happy to replenish in the family

Favorite men Anastasia - husband Sergey and Son Alexander - were very happy to replenish in the family


I do not have a clear schedule for every day. Either I'm leaving for work in the morning and returning in the evening, or I can be home all day, engaged in children and by him, making manicure, pedicure, massages. Damn Soothes. And in a year, Sanya Sonny will go to school, and, of course, I will have to live in very hard mode. Not without fear waiting for this period, but I hope I will get used to this. Yes, and the Veroch will become a little older - it will be simpler.

Daily walks with baby helps Stotska to return the previous shape. Anastasia also does not forget about regular yoga classes

Daily walks with baby helps Stotska to return the previous shape. Anastasia also does not forget about regular yoga classes


To look good, you must certainly get enough sleep. It is also important to eat correctly, to engage in a favorite thing and, that is important, to love yourself.

Dietary cake

Many nutritionists are confident: it is impossible to completely refuse certain products. And if you want sweetly sweet, givend to your desires. But with one "but": the portion must be minimal. And you can even make a baking with a good dish. If, for example, replace flour to oatmeal and missed them in a blender. Anastasia is His corporate recipe Such low-calorie quarreling.

Dietary apple pie.

Dietary apple pie.


Ingredients: 3-4 eggs, 1 cup of crushed oat flakes, 1 cup of sugar (I put a little less), 4-5 sour apples.

At first, it is pretty whipping eggs and sugar, then gradually add oat flour and a teaspoon of the bakery powder. Live bait with butter and sprinkle with flour. Share on the bottom of the apples, pour the dough and sprinkle with ordinary or vanilla sugar.

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