It's time for a baby: how the perception of this issue is changing under the influence of bloggers


Blogger's documentary Maria Belova, who worked on television in the past, raised the problem of the tactlessness of people. Maria invited to participate in the creation of a physician of a gynecologist and several guests who told about the reasons why they did not give birth to children or for a long time could not have them. The indicative video scored more than 1.3 million views - few people remained indifferent. Womanhit decided to pay attention to this patient for many questions and tell why you do not need to poke your nose in your business.

Stop questions exist

As it is not customary to ask people about their earnings or cost of housing / rest / other things, it is not necessary to dive into a person's personal life. In English there is a good expression "IT's None of Your Business", which is translated as "it does not concern you." Feel free to protect your personal borders if you ask questions to which you do not want to answer. In the same way, do not climb to others with strange questions - what will change in your life from that, now or after 5 years, a girlfriend or colleague give birth to a child?

Do not be afraid to support feminists

Do not be afraid to support feminists


Feminism triumph

Although many people still confuse feminism with man's husband, once again emphasize that it is not. Feminists are on the fact that the man and the woman finally recognized equal to the destruction of the list of legislatively prohibited professions to public opinion about the "real" female role. You have the right to refuse to give birth to a child or postpone pregnancy for so many years as you want themselves. Many young girls still have relatives that already in 25 years it is time to think about children - who invented this figure? You can become an excellent parent at 20 years old, and it is possible and in 40 not be ready to take responsibility for the baby. Choose the path you want yourself - only you right to control your life.

The whole world for us

It is no secret that many young people want to move abroad or at least materially prepare for the birth of a child. For example, at the birth of a baby in the USA, he receives citizenship, which, after a certain period, gives parents the right to also give citizenship. Some girls want to marry the overseas groom - why not? You define who will become the father of the child and where he will be born. And this is not mercantility, but the concern for the future of the baby. Born in another country, he receives both your Russian citizenship and citizenship from the father's side and the passport of the state where the childbirth has passed if such an item is in law. With European or American citizenship, he opens additional opportunities for education and career growth. Be a man of the world, because patriotism is manifested in the desire to give his country the best, and not only to sit in the need, where the ancestors occurred.

Our legislation does not prohibit having a second and other citizenship

Our legislation does not prohibit having a second and other citizenship


Conscious pregnancy preparation

Gynecologists recommend that girls go through a full survey once a year, and if there is an indication of every six months or every 3 months. The same applies to men who also need to take tests and undergo an inspection of a specialist. The more responsible you react to pregnancy, the less risk to detect problems. Recommended a couple of months before conception to abandon alcohol, smoking, adjust the frequency of sexual acts - gynecologists advise to have sex every couple of days, no less often - and reduce the stress factor.

We definitely like the trend of a conscious approach to childbirth. Children should appear in those families where parents are psychologically, physically and logically ready for them. Then you can enjoy maternity, and not to make a hundred tasks in a hurry and wait, when you can give the heir to the kindergarten.

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