Heart attack: call "ambulance" on time


What is a heart attack?

I am expressed by a simple language, a plot of healthy heart cells stopped supplied with blood, and they died. Cause - clogging the vessel. But this is the cause of death that the expert will write. And the personal, even rather the psychological cause of death in more than 38% of cases is: at the time of the attack, they did not cause an ambulance, hoping that he would pass. And if not? After all, the vessel's passability can be restored in the next 30-40 minutes.

Do not be afraid to call

Do not be afraid to call "ambulance"

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

We call an ambulance, without hoping for "Avos"

No need to be afraid to "disturb" the doctor. After all, more than 15% of infarction does not happen from pensioners, but in quite able-bodied citizens. Women's mortality at the same time above the male.

Remember: The earlier you call the "ambulance" and the earlier it will be restored by blood flow, the greater the chances of rapid recovery and return to a full-fledged life. Especially now, when a hard regulation was introduced for ambulance - to take some time to twentyly tool and bring the patient to the Regional Vascular Center. The introduction of such centers allows you to maintain life more than 55% of patients.

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