Julia Savicheva: "Negatively to injections of Botox and Filleram"


Yulia Savicheva from the moment of release from the "Star Factory" and participation in Eurovision has not changed. Almost the same size of clothes, and the performer looks like, as if a recent student. And this is despite the fact that the artist has already become a mom. He talked with a 33-year-old singer and found out whether she made pricks of beauty and how she managed to almost do not recover

- Julia, over the years you have a slim, and look very young. I do not remember that you get straightened. Admit, you do not eat at all?

- I am very pleasant to your words, but I, like everything, get better. This usually happens during the holidays. I understand that the body requires unloading from all restrictions in food. But even at that time I follow the way I was on the door, and my face was placed in the frame. After such a weekend, I quickly take myself in my hands, I begin to engage and restore.

- So you follow the right nutrition?

- For the past seven years I adhere to the system of proper nutrition. Sometimes I tighten my diet, replacing a natural milk on vegetable, or cut carbohydrates. With this diet, in no case cannot be refused any components of food completely, it is necessary to find a replacement. For example, I do not use sugar into the food, replacing it during cooking with honey, I do not drink juices, but in return to eat fresh fruits and dried fruits.

I am a sweet tooth and sometimes I arrange unloading days - I eat everything I want. I can not compare my love for sweets with addiction that kills. If once a week, allow yourself a piece of cake, observing the proper nutrition mode, it will not harm. The same applies to other addictions in food: if you adore dumplings, potatoes or pork - allow yourself once a week to eat what you love most. And you will notice that you get tremendous pleasure from this.

The complete exception to the diet of those or other components will definitely affect your health, emotional and physical condition. In no case can not be completely refused salt. Once I resorted to such extreme methods during the preparation for the shooting and excluded salt within three days. Of course, it affected the general condition: the body was in terrible stress, and the water-salt balance was broken. Such methods are very harmful.

For seven years, the singer has adhered to the system of proper nutrition

For seven years, the singer has adhered to the system of proper nutrition

Press service materials

- Well, what is your diet now?

- As already told, dairy products I have rarely, 1-2 times a week I prepare cheesery on low-fat curd. If you really want sweet, kneading milk 1.5% fat with protein isolate (well purified protein, - approx. Auto).

Two or three hours later lunch: chicken, vegetables, rice. As a snack between food intakes, I use fruit. During dinner, I exclude carbohydrates, replacing them with fresh or stewed vegetables, as well as non-fat meat or fish. If a feeling of hunger appears later, I can eat a tuna salad or shrimp, refilled by olive oil.

- Have you ever tried fashion diet, and how are they over for you?

- No, fashion diet I never tried. A few years ago, my husband, Alexander, had problems with weight, and he began to engage tightly in the hall. Our coach Oksana Bogoduukov led him to a very cool physical form and prescribed a balanced nutrition regime. Looking at him, I decided to join.

There was a very funny case associated with the power program that was for me. It is spelled out all breakfasts, lunches and dinners. I thought that all this can be used at the same time. Once, when I was very hungry, I decided to eat everything on the breakfast list: cereal, cheesery, fried eggs. And then I was illuminated: "What a wonderful diet is." But for some reason I did not lose step, observing everything that is written. I called Oksana and complained that the weight does not leave. She asked: "How do you eat?" I told everything to her, it turned out that several options for the breakfast were painted in the program, and not one big.

- Powerful nutrition is often homemade kitchen. Do you know how to cook yourself?

- I was lucky with the fact that my husband knows how to cook. If there is an opportunity and time, then I do it myself. I find the recipes of interesting dishes on the Internet, follow the Food bloggers who specialize in proper nutrition. Every day we eat eggs in different variations, salads, chicken, turkey, a little less often beef. From croup - rice, movies, buckwheat, Bulgur. If you really want a macaroni, we take the integral of the solid wheat varieties. And I really love Funchoz.

Julia Savicheva with her husband Alexander Arshinov

Julia Savicheva with her husband Alexander Arshinov

Press service materials

- Do you take a home meal on tour?

- No, on tour, I order food from the restaurant, explaining what I would like. The diet is very simple, and its observance is not difficult for me.

- Julia, tell us about sports in your life. How long have you started to engage?

- I dance since childhood. I went to the first choreographic circle for five years, there we were engaged in different types of dances: modern, Russian folk. After moving to Moscow, I have already started professionally engaged in ballroom dancing. At that moment, they became a real sport for me, I participated in contests and had a category "in" class.

Physical exercises to maintain shape, I began to do when I was 17, after the end of the "factory". And now I am engaged with a personal trainer. Sometimes you arrange family classes on mats with my husband. Anya's daughter joins, trying to climb on us, and then all exercises turn into a joint game.

Five years ago, when I just started practicing a personal trainer, classes took place in the Hall on the simulators using large scales. I have a very dense muscular mass, in this regard, there was an increase in the large volume of muscles. I didn't like it, so now I moved to training with the e-junctions. Now I am preparing for the shooting of the clip "no longer", so I'm tightly engaged on online with a coach. Oksana has developed a set of exercises with expenditors. It is very convenient, classes can be held at home and do not need to spend time on moving to the hall.

- How do you care for hair? They remain healthy and

Beautiful, though, as you know, artists are difficult to keep hair in good condition: paint, varnishes, mousses spoil the hair ...

- I carried my advantages from self-insulation, which we observed the whole family. All styling I brought to a minimum and accounted for a simple method without the use of hot forceps and iron. Soap hair, dried with a hairdryer and made two rams, fastened with rubber bands and left for a while. It was painted, Baranki dismissed, fastened her hair with varnish, and eventually got a gorgeous laying. It helped me to restore hair.

If some kind of cardinal problems arise, I advise you to contact the specialists in this area - trichologists. They will assign you analyzes, on the basis of which they will give the right recommendations specifically for your skin of the head and hair. I was at the reception at such a specialist, and I was given advice to care for my hair type: daily washing, mask for the entire length of hair, butter for tips and thermal protection during stacking. In no case do not engage in amateur in any way, do not rub and other manipulations without the advice of the doctor.

Julia Savicheva:

"For seven years I have extension. It is very difficult, the procedure causes strong harm to the overall condition of the hair. Subsequently, I had to turn to a trichologist and undergo treatment"

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- Wasn't it in your life that you, let's say, spoiled your hair in the cabin, and had to restore it for a long time?

- For seven years I have extension. It is very difficult, the procedure causes strong harm to the overall condition of the hair. Subsequently, I had to turn to a trichologist and undergo treatment. I do not want to return to the extension.

- Julia, admit whether you visited the cosmetologist and have tried some procedure?

- So-called beauty injections, I have never done and try to maximize them - at least 40 years. After the first injection back there is no road, you will be forced to make these procedures constantly. Moreover, there are many means that help to care for the skin without any interventions and injections: cleaning, masks, hardware procedures.

- What procedures would you advise the girls who have already checked on themselves?

- During the treatment of hair after increments and stress, I passed the course of injections. Doctors made a special serum from the blood, which I can be in the scalp. The procedure is very painful, but effective. There are also more gentle treatments with the help of a mesaoroller and special funds that the trichologist appoints.

- How do you feel about Botox, fillers under the skin, on the lips and other procedures?

- I am negative about the injections of Botox and Filler. I repel me aged 20-25 years with unpretentious lips. After all, they and so without any interventions have natural beauty and have their own individuality.

Such procedures even 45-50 years require accuracy. Women should not have the desire to change their appearance. This is an exceptionally cosmetic story. But many may not refer to such procedures landing, do not know how to stay on time. I am convinced that even 40 you can remove mimic wrinkles, bypassing such procedures.

The actress has never resorted to beauty injections.

The actress has never resorted to beauty injections.

Press service materials

- Julia, many of your colleagues have already used the services of plastic surgeons. Did you resort to such interventions?

- I also treat plastic surgery quite negatively, especially when young girls enjoy it. Now there is a tendency to the same lips and noses, individuality disappears, it is not interesting. After 50-60 years, when wrinkles are already visible, the face is descended, the choice, whether the operation is left for you. But why make it young? Of course, plastic surgery is justified when accidents happen or there are congenital defects, but in other cases I do not understand this.

- Do you have any lifehak so that the skin of the face remains fresh?

- The first lifehak - thoroughly flush makeup, use tonic, moisturizing creams, eye patches. Not so long ago, I discovered Korean cosmetics with snail extract - very effectively. Be sure to make a mask to purify the face, and after - a moisturizing mask. Do not forget about water and vitamin "D", which favorably affects the condition of the skin.

- Summarize: What is the secret of your beauty?

- The most important secret of the beauty of any person is his inner state. I was lucky with the fact that my husband is my like-minded man, he always supports me as a woman and mother. I'm feeling it. In essence, I am a positive person, and even if misunderstandings arise between us, we speak and find a common language. My daughter inspires me, my team, music and my fans. Inside, I still remain a child, keeping sincerity, love, faith in people and good. I am a favorite thing, I implement myself. For a woman, this is very important and reflected on the face.

- Recipe Natural Face or Hair Mask from Yulia Savicheva

- Mix coconut oil with olive or argan in equal proportions. The resulting mixture apply on the face and hair along the entire length for 20-30 minutes, then rinse from your face with your cosmetic product and with hair - using shampoo. After using the mask, it is recommended to apply cream to face.

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