How to make hair shiny


In pursuit of attractiveness of the girl, they are solved on the cardinal changes in appearance, whereas it was small - to put the hairstyle. Hair is the framing of our face, so their form does not directly affect the perception of us by other people. Even the lack of laying will not rush in the eye, if you have lush shiny curls. We reveal the secrets of hairdressers who will noticeably convert your chapel.

Sufficient fat

Proper nutrition assumes that you will use a sufficient amount of fats daily: 1 gram per 1 kilogram of weight. Useful fats are contained in vegetable and butter, vegetables (avocado), fish (salmon, salmon), seeds (flax, sunflower), nuts and dairy products. Their number directly affects the quality of the hair, namely it gives food roots of hair and their rapid growth. Hair glitter is ensured by the fact that the trap hair is initially stronger, which means slower breaking and damaged by mechanical exposure.

In your diet should be enough fats

In your diet should be enough fats


Correct care

If you really want to see the effect of using, buy funds where there will be keratin, antioxidants, oils and silicones. Silicons create a thin moisture-hold film on the hair surface and smoothed scales, making hair smooth. Proteins fill damaged places, and oils glue secheny tips. With constant use, a storage result will be noticeable, so do not hope that the shampoo and mask for one application will restore the hair. We advise you to apply a mask not for 5-10 minutes, as indicated in the instructions, and leave overnight, putting on the shower cap, so as not to blur the pillow. After each washing, apply a drop of oil or silicone serum to the length.

Timely haircut

Although the hair is almost one hundred percent consists of keratin and its part is in the roots, though part of the nutrients really comes to the ends. For this reason, timely haircut makes it easier for the hair "work", allowing you to get the remaining length from food by trace elements. Hairdressers advise to cut every 3-4 months if your hair is growing rapidly. And those whom Nature has not awarded the magnificent hair, go to the master every six months or less and better to care for her hair.

Go to the hairdresser at least once every six months

Go to the hairdresser at least once every six months


Laying with cold air

Although it is believed that drying hairdryer harms her hair, we want to dispel this myth. If you dry your hair in cold mode, then they will not only be harmful, but they will look better than they were before. Buy a modern hairdryer with an ionization effect that blows a powerful stream of air. In addition to it, it is necessary to purchase Brasing, which you will wipe your hair during styling. We do not advise you to use thermal protective and texturing sprays. The first cover the hair with a dense protective sheath, so they are faster than contaminated. The latter will pull out moisture from the hair, making it brittle.

Hair shine procedures

If you have initially fat hair, then laminating procedures only convert it. Make Botox or Keratin at the Master in the Salon on Professional Cosmetics - these compositions are more saturated than those selling in network stores. For thin hair, we recommend doing a course of leaving procedures at least once a year, it is better in the spring to restore them after winter frosts and winds. It is better to trust the master so that he himself picked up procedures by type, color and hair texture.

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