Leonardo di Caprio gathered married?


Leonardo di Caprio, according to rumors, decided to say goodbye to Hollywood's short-starved bachelor status. They say, the actor is engaged to his beloved, model Kelly Rorbach.

It is reported that the proposal of the hand and heart was made by the movie Store on September 26. The engagement was not planned by Leonardo, everything happened spontaneously during them from Kelly romantic dinner in one of the Italian restaurants in New York, behind a glass of red wine. The actor unexpectedly admitted the beloved that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. In response to a surprised view, Rorbach Di Caprio explained that he wanted to marry her. Kelly, of course, answered consent. And they fastened their engagement by a passionate kiss.

"Kelly is an amazing smart girl. And he understands Leo very well, "says the source close to Di Caprio. - Kelly for him is not just another pretty face. It shares his interests in the socio-public sphere, supports its undertakings in the fight against poverty and global warming. They have a connection on the intellectual level. And it really likes Leo. Before he did not have a similar relationship. "

According to Insider, the star couple has already spoke about the wedding. But so far only in general terms: neither the date nor the place of her holding while the bride and groom did not discuss.

It is also reported that lawyers di Caprio have already advised him to conclude a marriage contract. And the actor, most likely hesitate to these recommendations. Although he does not believe that the contract is needed. "Leonardo is incredibly happy. He is sure that he found his only one. And without tired, he repeats the surrounding that Kelly is beautiful, clever, and that his mother also loves her too. "

We will remind, about the novel of the 40-year-old DiCaprio and 25-year-old Rorbach first spoke at the beginning of spring. In June, the actor introduced the beloved with his mother, and she was fascinated by the new Son's Passion. And in July, rumors appeared about what, probably, Leonardo is ready to be cooled, since the crazy about Kelly.

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