Take yourself to act


Often in my practice a variety of people in a wide variety of life circumstances complain that they do not bring their business to the end. The most interesting projects fade in several difficulties. Relationships fall apart after two or three serious conflicts, and someone who gave a promise, "merges" him with the words "The Baptist".

Usually it comes here that a person with a similar type of behavior registers obvious results in the moment, as well as confuses its experience with the result.

For example, I feel tension, fatigue - it means that the project is not mine, and I will not go further. It was offended by loved ones, offended again, and if so, it means that the love was held between us.

Feelings are a thin life layer that cannot be the only focus of attention.

The problem of motivation, discussed frequently on the Internet, is based on the fact that an unmotivated person is not trained to see the delayed results of his actions and support himself in cases where the chamber is too small to see its consequences.

Therefore, he begins to indulge himself in his falnial sentiments and throw it halfway.

Below the dream of the dreams with some bills is just about the opposite skill. Go to the end, even if the result is not guaranteed and not obvious:

"I have to fly on the plane, there are tickets, and I go and go to different vehicles to the airport. Today I flew alone, I also walked around, I managed to register, I registered me, and when approaching the landing suddenly they say: "Landing has already ended, it's already you have a departure time written. Well, okay, let's run together, maybe And we have time, there are still hatches, but something you can do something. "

Always go to your goal

Always go to your goal

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

And the airport staff run with me, suggest where to run, how to get around the turn, some secret moves open to me. I ran up to the airplane on the sleeve, and it is already closed, the flight attendants are crawling outside and commemorate there. I scream them, I have a ticket! And they: "Oh, everything, the salon is already impossible, but you are now flying, do not worry!" Press some button, opens the sunroof, and there is a direct login to some kind of business class type compartment. There are 4 beds, chairs, all the space is covered with soft beige carpets, very cozy. They say that here is flying here. I will be shaken on a soft bed with a beige bedspread, they are fussing there in the kitchen, ask what to give me from food. Together with me a man fell, he was just in this "compartment", he immediately took his place. And after a while, right before the takeoff, they opened and let some kind of woman, she, like me, fled, was afraid not to have time.

I woke up with the feeling that I did everything right (I did not stop running to land, when it would seem to be useless) that everything works as I need '.

Sleep draws a dream ability to act without despair or guilt, look for options and opportunities to achieve their tasks. Of course, it would be worth thinking, where in her life such an armor, why not just go and sit in his place? Why is it necessary to look for yourself in Zeietnote? But this is already at its discretion check.

In general, the dream of our heroine about what to act is more important than crushing or despair. Our feelings are energy given to the case. Sincerely sorry to spend their experience without exit. It's time to teach yourself to act - sometimes blindly, without warranty results, but move.

Life goes where everyone is alive. In the statics and stagnation of life there.

And if we talk about the motivation, to whom is relevant, then the motivation is to make attempts every day, every other day, but do. Do, try, search. High motivation is not a guarantee of success, performance. High motivation is ready to try and look for different solutions.

I wonder what you dream? Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. By the way, dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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