Glazing in the morning: it is so useful for eggs, as it is considered


Boiled eggs or scrambled eggs? In the morning or for dinner? Womanhit figured out what the eggs are useful and how many times a day you can eat. Both protein and chicken egg yolk are saturated with nutrients: proteins, vitamins and minerals. Contrary to popular belief on the dangers of eggs due to the content of cholesterol in them, eggs are an indispensable product of dietary food.

Explain why

First, cholesterol is an essential building material for cell membranes. It is necessary for the organism for the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones: testosterone and estrogen. Secondly, it is impossible to definitely consider consumed cholesterol harmful to health, since there are two types of cholesterol: LDL and HDL.

boiled eggs are more useful than roasted fried eggs

boiled eggs are more useful than roasted fried eggs


The first type is low density lipoproteins, they are like a damage to the body, accumulating in the vessels in the form of plaques. Such cholesterol is present in excess in fast food and in another food containing saturated fats. In the eggs, LDL also contains (both in avocado and fish), but in minimal quantity. In addition, our body is able to independently adjust the level of cholesterol, which we get with food. The second type is high density lipoproteins (HDL). They are useful in that, on the contrary, "clean" arteries from harmful cholesterol. So that such a "good" cholesterol did not turn into the above-described "bad", the eggs should be boiled, or the sick. To fry eggs on oil doctors do not recommend. But if the scrambled eggs very much wanted in the morning, it is better to cook it on half a teaspoon of butter.

In addition, scientists found out that cholesterol contained in the egg yolk is not oxidized in our arteries - the numerous antioxidants contained in the eggs are observed in the eggs.

Eggs for the body

One egg contains approximately 78 calories and 6.5 grams of high-quality quickly absorbed protein. Boiled eggs are an excellent option to quench the hunger, so the eggs are very popular among athletes and losing weight people. There are eggs like in the morning and in the evening - for example, for dinner with a salad. However, the day is better to choose one meal when you give preference to eggs.

Other useful properties of eggs include:

Eggs contain vitamins A, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9 (folic acid), D, E, K, Minerals: phosphorus, selenium, calcium, zinc.

Eggs will help strengthen the retina

Eggs will help strengthen the retina


An egg yolk contains choline (vitamin B5) - the most important building material of the brain. It protects the membranes of cells from destruction and damage, and it is it that reduces the level of poor cholesterol in the blood and cleans the walls of the vessels from plaques, and also normalizes the fat exchange. In addition, choline prevents the formation of gallstones. And in men choline increases the activity of spermatozoa.

Eggs contain lutein and zeaxanthine - antioxidants, useful for the eyes. They strengthen the retina eye and improve vision, reduce the risk of cataract develops and yellow stain degeneration. Studies have shown that the use of one yolk per day for 4.5 weeks increased the level of lutein in the blood by 28-50%, and Zeaxanthina is 114-142%.

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