Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck all the same together?


Fans Jennifer Lopez and Ben Afflera's time of their loud novel, having learned about the coming divorce of the actor with his wife Jennifer Garner, began to dream about the revival of Bennifer No. 1. And since the end of June, when the married couple declared his parting, rumors had repeatedly appeared about the new Roman Jay Lo and Ben. However, all these messages were immediately refuted.

But the other day, a number of tabloids published the paparaence pictures on which Lopez and Afflecks passionately hugging each other, kiss and rest together in the Jacuzzi pool. The publications also report that Garner has already seen these photos. And, despite the fact that she is not going to return to her husband, the images wounded the actress in the very heart.

However, it turned out that the whole story was fabricated. Pictures that tabloids were issued for fresh, in fact have been made more than ten years ago, while Jay Lo and Ben really met. Affale representatives once again stated that these messages - the shallow lies, and the actor with his ex-beloved bind exclusively friendly relations.

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