Forbidden topics: what you can not speak after sex


Of course, if in a pair it is not customary to discuss relationships and, in general, solve problems through dialogues, no one long-term union can also go and speech. However, the conversations are appropriate not always, it is especially thorough to select themes for communication after sex.

We thought, and after all, after sex, I want to talk, but sometimes your partner is offended, and you can not understand why. In fact, everything is simple: There is a list of those that strictly setting should not be lifted after proximity. Let's see what the topics are.

For discussions of household, it is worth finding another time and place

For discussions of household, it is worth finding another time and place


Evaluating the skills of your partner

You are not a gymnastics coach, which reads his ward after an unsuccessful start. Strict estimates have always painfully hurts through a person's pride. The first minutes after sex do not fit at all to make such conversations. If you did not suit the quality of sex, choose less busy moment when your partner is not so vulnerable.

Discussion of flaws

If you see that the partner scored several unnecessary kilograms, it is not necessary to declare about it "in the forehead" when you translate the Spirit. Note that you can answer, and very insulting. So why spoil the moment with swearing when you can just gently hint partner about a joint run in the morning after a joint night. Apply an example.

Do not remind him of what he is unpleasant to hear

Do not remind him of what he is unpleasant to hear



Yes, we also heard that the stormy quarrels often end in stunning sex, but no need to make an intimate tradition. It may happen that no other natural stimulants will act on your partner, and you will have to constantly stay in a state of tension while you are waiting for another conflict. That energy you spend on screams and beating dishes, you could invest in the proximity itself.

Do not move the man talking about the future

Do not move the man talking about the future



For a man there is nothing worse if you start to compare it with former or men with whom you would agree to sleep. The partner simply does not make thoughts that someone else can possess. After sex, such a topic instantly charges you with both negative: it is, because you consider someone better, and you, because you yourself do not understand what he suddenly offended and not talking to you.

Sex as a way of manipulation and blackmail

The man after sex is, you can say, on another planet, therefore, he does not want to discuss some unpleasant questions like: "When you change the windows in my mom's apartment, you promised!" Even if you are in strong relationships, a man will wait for the next intimacy with you with horror: who knows what topic you want to discuss more. Therefore, wait at least a few hours, until the emotions are hurt.

Discussion of foggy future

This topic is especially dangerous for a pair that only the beginning of the relationship. Your man still does not know whether to plan the next meeting, and you already tell him, the dog of which breed will live in your apartment that you will shoot from next month. Such conversations act on men scaretime, wait at least half a year before you can see with suggestions for building a joint life.

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