12 pharmacy bubbles that will be useful to you


Do not rush to leave several thousand rubles in the store with cosmetics. Of course, all sorts of creams and lotions help to keep an attractive and healthy appearance, but no worse with this task are coping with a penny tools that can be bought in any pharmacy.

For hair:

Burr oil; Castor oil and Tincture of bitter pepper. Apply them in the form of masks for half an hour before washing the head and girlfriend will envy your chapel. And Etherna Lavender oil If you add it to the hair rinsing air conditioning, allow them to stay clean longer.

Not necessarily buy expensive shampoos to have beautiful hair

Not necessarily buy expensive shampoos to have beautiful hair


For hands:

Sea salt - Make it with her the baths for hands, after some time the nails will be much stronger. Apricot oil and glycerol Soften and make elastic hands. They can be applied for the night as a mask, and on top of putting on a filament gloves or just do with them with brushes.

Do daily hand massage with glycerin, you will be surprised by the result

Do daily hand massage with glycerin, you will be surprised by the result


For body:

Mumie and almond oil . Dissolve the mummy in water or children's cream, and use oil in its pure form, lubricate problem areas with these means, the ugly bands will disappear. Bodhaga will help bruises. This sponge is usually sold in a dry form, it must be divorced with water so that there is a homogeneous cashem. Punch it into place of the bruise, and it will pass faster.

Mumina will remove all stretch marks

Mumina will remove all stretch marks


For face:

Blue clay and Cosmetic Walnut Oil Perfectly cope with small wrinkles. They can be used even for skin around the eyes. Apply in the form of masks.

Pharmacy funds can be used even for skin around the eyes.

Pharmacy funds can be used even for skin around the eyes.


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