Igor Khripunov: "With Sonya Ardova, we broke up with friends"


Igor Chrpunov has long been happy his fans in the theater, although in the movie some of his work attracted attention, as in the "cold shores" or "icebreaker", but the role of a sophisticated sommelier in the new season "Grand" became a fresh jet in the beloved many series. About the player knows a little bit, only his serious affair with a colleague on the MHT Sonya Ardova became the public of the public, and therefore it is to understand what he looks like on someone from her screen and theatrical heroes (and among them there are even Bulgakovsky Ishua), insane interesting. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Igor, I was surprised to find that you have been gone from the MHT for two years, only some performances are played ...

- Yes, it was dictated by my desire to learn a filmmaker. And although so far it has not realized, then I decided that the most reasonable thing is to get out of the state. At the moment, I cooperate with four theaters: MHT, Nations, Tabakov and Pushkin. In the theater of Nations, I play the most interesting from the fact that I was in principle for all the lifetime on the stage, the Iranian Conference on Vygutayev. So, probably, my learning option is a "short meter", which I will shoot myself. We are with Anna Simakova, a graduate of MSK from the course of Alexey Popogrebsky, we are already working on a very interesting "short" about anesthesiologist, who is obviously lying, trying to justify its people for the patient's death, and at this time he experiences a serious drama in the family. Here I will play a major role. It will be a story about the total authority of Lie. I hope that soon the situation in the country will improve, and we enhance the active phase. I play in the MHT periodically, unfortunately, rarely in the "master", there is already another composition.

- It was difficult to agree to such a role?

- Yes. I'll tell you a funny story. Somehow, I suddenly noticed that if in the scenario there is a remark "something scrolls" or "someone" (laughs), then the reading it immediately recalls the artist with the surname of Khripunov. As in the case of appointment to the role of Yeshua. Jesus Christ - I. H., as well as Igor Chripunov ... Such funny things unexpectedly become determining. Maybe all this is simply my conjectures, but now I pay attention to this all the time.

- You do not miss MHT and in general on theater house? And you do not offer to return?

- Not every month I receive proposals to return, and I think that with a woman I would also have a good way. But I am satisfied with my today's status. Therefore, I do not hurry again in Kabalu, I go in the theater only on the most exciting suggestions. It is necessary to be honest, I'm not interested in creative search, if it does not bring money, - passed times, and they were the best when I rehearsed with Cyril Serebrennikov, Konstantin Bogomolov, Yuri Bucosov.

Igor Khripunov:

"One part of me died and turned into armor. There is a process of an outlook, a share of healthy cynicism appeared. Otherwise I would just go crazy "

Photo: Ksenia Bubrenic

- I do not believe that you put the material incentive at the head of the corner. And the "short meter" does not promise big money ...

- Completely right, and the short-sighted man - my wholeman. But, of course, I am not so mercantile, although I cannot think myself in the separation from earning, because I helped my relatives that remained in Saratov and the Saratov region. It is necessary to be there once to understand how these people live for poverty. I understand that for them is not a stranger person, and I can not calmly exist, knowing that the target reversed on the boot. Therefore, I can't afford to be engaged in just art, if it is not something directly "exploding" me. Sometimes this is possible from sympathy to a person with whom I will work.

- Your mother said that it would be better to learn to the driver or a nurse. Do you have a pretty simple family or is it a joke?

- No, really the simplest family. Dad is an education engineer, now retired, worries not sit at home, on Wedge treatment plants, and Mommy was a teacher and an accountant. She is not already, unfortunately, three years. Everything happened as a classic - unexpectedly, and, in fact, it was exactly the main reason why I did not learn, because I flew out of life according to the full program. Her words were sincere, because she saw how exhausted, learned, dissatisfied with himself, I came to Saratov on vacation while studying at the Studio School of MCAT and in the first years of work in the theater. She really believed that it was better to find a profession that would not wear me so emotionally.

- Very sympathize with your grief and, alas, I understand. But your family is still intelligent, it turns out, my mother said not without irony ...

"But mom from a deaf village, in her family, in general, all the peasants." Pope in this sense is different: both sister, and mother - mathematics, and his father was a big boss.

- And I do not leave the feeling that you are a hereditary intellectual, even an aristocrat: a little inappropriate, soft, very delicate ...

- Thank you. (Smiles.) And these are all the features of small societies. I remember how we came to my grandmother, my mother's mom, and there were amazing feasts. It seems to me that all this is from there, even from those songs that I know a lot thanks to my mother. I enjoyed when I stood before these good drunken people and sang a song learned with my mother or told some story. In adolescence, I had no difficulty in choosing a profession. At school I was kept only because I prepared all the holidays there, played in the club. And at sixteen years I went in the footsteps of Tabakov: I studied on the basis of Saratov Tyuza.

Igor Khripunov:

"Oleg Tabakov had an incredibly developed feeling of fragile. He even called me that it was a shock, I was not ready for it. Aware of its magnitude "

Photo: Ksenia Bubrenic

- Is there any problems in childhood with peers because of your softness?

"This is a good question, because there were a really problem problems, since I grew up such ... Mamina Son, a very gentle and affectionate boy, but cowardly. Any manifestation of rudeness, rudeness and aggression was introduced into a stupor, and I often grazed under the pressure of some larger and arrogant boy and was repeatedly humiliated. Resorted to mom. And one day she did not like my cowardice. We had a conflict with Armenian, the most terrible bandit in the area, and his uncle had a store, and once again, when he humiliated me and my friends, I came to my mom and squeezed that I was going to the store. And she suddenly said: "Well, wait!" So she tried to make me think a little in another direction, bolder, or something. It was strange, I waited for support, some persuasion, and suddenly, these are her cold words. She was an exceptionally bold woman. None of my relatives do not have such an inner force!

- It is feeling your attitude towards mom. After her care, did you change?

- I had one life before and was completely different after. Mom is, of course, my all. And softness, and decency, and all the qualities that I consider the best in yourself, grafted with it completely different ways. This is a catastrophic loss for me. I just felt the stomach that she left life. I suddenly crushed wildly, and then I realized that it was the very moment. That's such a connection we had. And now it is the starting point with which everything correlates. Now one part died me out and turned into armor. There is a process of an outlook, a share of healthy cynicism appeared, otherwise I would just go crazy. On the other hand, this tragedy made me be attentive to others, the level of empathy rose - although he also had, it seems to me, high, but now I have become more sensitive, I understand that life is tragically short.

- What are you dreamed of, learning in Saratov? What did you see in the future measure of success, happiness, did the thoughts about the cinema arise?

"I didn't think about the movie at all, the shooting seemed something fantastic. The limit of dreams was seeing to work at the Moscow Art Theater: there and Tobacco, and other great artists. Before moving to Moscow, I remember, I went out on the night or early in the morning, climbed to a height and looked at the city. I did not do anything like that. I think it was associated with the decision-making. As if I did not find places or, on the contrary, I was looking for something new. When I learned that I was accepted at the MCAT Studio School, flew over the chamber's lane and shouted mom on the phone: "Mom, I entered MCAT, now everything will be fine with us!" It was in 2003. Life then showed how naive was my exclamation ...

- What exactly did life show and when? After all, you immediately after graduation took in MHT, now you are all very good in the profession.

"Now - yes, but in the fourth year I became clear that my dream would not come true in the MHT. We all got into the theater of Pushkin with a machine gun, because Roman Efimovich Kozak was our master, and at that time I was already playing there in several performances.

- So how did you still be in the MHT?

- With the filing of Marina Brusniknaya, for which I am very grateful. She silent a word about me. And Oleg Palycha had an incredibly developed feeling of maritime. But I will not say that incredible bonuses immediately revealed in the MHT. Somehow Tabakov said Mironov, when he saw himself in the distribution of the "auditor" far from the first roles: "Yes, Zhen, well, you drove into the theater not on a white horse." So, I'm in the MHT in some kind of gap proleeze, under the horse. (Laughs.) Half a year went out in a tiny role in the "last victim" - Zolotovitsky spoke to me: "Vodka will bring!", And I brought. And then there appeared Pisarev with the "Skybank Gorbunk". But the explosion of my activity happened later. This happened after the day I entered the role of Yura Chursin - the main villain in the Pickwick Club ... And, apparently, how to encourage one of the nearest dressings to appear with my last name. (Laughs.) It was very nice. Probably, Oleg Pavlovich is the most important person with whom fate brought me: I owe him to everyone. It is a pity that, due to its closedness, I did not take advantage of all the opportunities for communicating with him - and he even called me that it was just a shock, I was not ready for it, because I realized his magnitude and his insignificance. At first, I was all called "Nadia Tabakov" with a laugh, because he said: "Here is the hope of Harpun, but, apparently, I did not justify His hopes, disappointed. There was a story after which he considered that I had a gazezdil or cool to the profession. Although it was just a misunderstanding. Somehow we have shown the cabbage to the old new year, and the most successful number - it can now be seen on YouTube - was about input to the MHT. We thought, and literally every other day I received an offer to play instead of Mironov in "№13d". Along the way, we rehearsed the "master and margarita", Mashkova was not, instead of him I was engaged in Sergey Belyaev, who beat me in the hands of constantly: "And Zhenya is not that ... Zhenya is not so ..." - And I, let's say, in full-tested, thought that now I will press my strength, it is distributed, and at the premiere as I will give a heat! And, apparently, I was mistaken: I had to immediately show all my worth, and I thought that there was still time for the swing, but then my rehearsals were over. I began to find out what was the matter, I got to Oleg Palycha, and he told me: "And I reported to me that you do not want to play there." And I was no longer hope, and the sign ceased to hang on one of the first dressings, that is, this high-speed elevator was up-down. At that moment, Oleg Pavlovich's loyalty was over. So all this was not enough.

Igor Khripunov:

"We met in ten years. She has changed very much, and now I have already fallen in love. But he was deceived - and it hurts it for me. "

Photo: Ksenia Bubrenic

- Movie has long existed in your life, but now bright work has appeared. One of them - in the "Grande" ...

- "Grand" is my favorite story. Brilliant project in all respects. A nascent scenario - sometimes you have to get together so as not to "split" in the frame. And how much I learned about the fault! I can now support any conversation at a sommelier party. (Laughs.) Now we are already removing the fourth season - the second with my participation. Of course, I still don't want a movie, as I would like, because there is a desire, and forces, and interest, and already some experience, but I will hope that over time it will only grow.

- Do you miss the main roles? In my opinion, the presence of such bright external individuality is in itself insidious minuses ...

- I agree. The main roles are obtained primarily by the heroes, and these are strong, beautiful, high, pleasant women's eye. I would like to play something tragicomic in the cinema. And we most often everything is happening there in templates.

- Among your roles there are quite a lot of people in the chains and a ganting public. And those and others from the personality of Igor Chripunova, in my opinion, very far ...

- Yes, although I play them, and therefore, there is something in them and something. I had an amazing case, still at the Studio School MCAT. I studied in the second year, I went to the chamber of the lane and caught a gaze. I turned around and saw my teacher, who is called me, "scanned". After that, he suggested to read the "notes from the underground", and I was amazed as all about me. Someone says that all the heroes of Dostoevsky fictional, but I am a lively denial. You can imagine my shock when what is happening in life and in the work it is absolutely correlated, I discarded the book and thought: "How did they see it?!" I am alone, as a hero, communicated with people. Only emotional heat was not the one, of course. And now I have changed, I stopped being afraid of something, loved myself and, most importantly, took. If earlier I touched to the depths of the soul of criticism in my address, now the strong armor appeared.

- In what stage are your relationship with Sonya Ardova?

"We have not together for a whole year, but they broke up with friends, we communicate with her, and with her beautiful mommy." I respect them very much, they are talented people. But at some point I realized that Sona is only twenty-three years old, let it be engaged in its development, makes a career. She strives for this, and she will succeed. Sonya is open to the diversity of the world, she probably needs to just walk while. But, most importantly, I was not for her who she was for me: and a potential wife, and the mother of my children, everyone. Three years later, I suddenly realized this with clarity.

- Maybe it was necessary to just wait - or did the love go?

- Common sense suggests that it is sometimes better to love at a distance. I do not want to go back to that story. I am somewhat different imagine my family.

- And how did your relationship with the beautiful sex?

- I was always very captured feelings. So it was in Saratov, and in Moscow. Love breaks into your life, and you turn into a happy madman. I was happy and sharply unhappy when everything ended for various reasons. But love is beautiful, even if it is such a bitter story, as the one started in Saratov. Then the girl loved me, and in ten years we met in Moscow, she has changed very much, and I have already fallen in love. As it turned out later, I was deceived, it hurts it for me. Of course, it cannot be made with the pain of mom's loss. But then it seemed that the world was collapsed. After the break, I came to my friend and countryman Dima Kululkov, and he, trying to remove me from the depressed state of the song, put Magomayev: "How do you live, my dear one? ..", and I began to cry! (Laughs.) A year later, I still worried, and now I remember and laugh. How surprising time changes everything ...

- Some time ago you said that the most important thing is to love and be loved. After a hard loss for you and breaking with Sonya, is this desire in force?

- Nothing changed. I do not know: for whom is love does not engine? What else can you warm you? Of course, there is devastation due to loss, and parting did not add rainbow feelings and thoughts, but still no desire disappeared anywhere. Just now I can say that while closed for repairs. (Smiles.)

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