Love, but do not fit: why sex leaves trends


It would seem that modern youth simply cannot have problems with an intimate life, if only because sex became most accessible as possible, which previous generations could not dream of. And yet psychologists are beyond the alarm - the sexual activity of people aged 18 to 34 almost half decreased, if compared with the number of sexual contacts of their parents. We decided to figure out, what is the reason for the patient abandonment of sex in the 21st century.

Is everything in order with self-esteem?

If the sexual aspect of life is more connected with physiology, then the woman needs to tune in primarily emotionally. With the development of social networks there was a huge number of popular people "from the people" - bloggers, which sometimes broadcast an incredible picture, with which a simple man in half is difficult to compare himself, especially when it comes to a woman. As a result, a problem with self-esteem, which flows into the problem with libido. It seems that only the perfect idol from the tape "Instagram" takes the attention of the same ideal partner, young people begin to shy things that do not really have such a partner, invent all new drawbacks, search for a sexual partner in such conditions as You understand, no effort remains and desire.

Today sex has ceased to be the main entertainment

Today sex has ceased to be the main entertainment


How do parents relate to this

Surely you have repeatedly heard how children of your friends who are already on the university's threshold: "Well, when you marry / marry you will marry? It's time". Parents often respond: "It will also have time, first - education and career." It seems that everything is logical, but while the "baby" lives according to such a scheme, interest in the sexual side of life almost disappears, because he should not disappoint parents who dream of a brilliant career of his child. As a result - sexual experience is postponed in a long box.

Unsuccessful first experience

As you know, the first sexual contact leaves a huge impression, especially if we are talking about a woman. Men are experienced a little easier. Of course, rarely who can remember the first time, while holding his breath, but excessive rudeness, the lack of understanding between partners can leave extremely unpleasant memories. After this difficult to decide on a new contact.

Accessibility of sexual services

If twenty years ago had to pull yourself out of the house, to try happiness on a disco or in a cafe, today you can get acquainted with a person without leaving the house - with a big desire, after a couple of hours, a new acquaintance can come to you and take a "coffee". Sex ceased to be something exciting interest - everyone knows what the date will end. Naturally, young people do not have the desires once again gather to meet with a person whom they don't know at all, spending time at him, although instead you can spend the evening as it is like that. Intimate was already out of the list of entertainment, on the contrary, it requires a certain preparation, and for the most part moral. Millennialys do not want to spend time on a process that may not be so pleasant and interesting as she would like.

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