Exotic animals at home: Should I start


Almost every apartment lives a pet who loves children and adults. Usually try to make an animal that corresponded to the dimensions of the dwelling, as a rule, is either a room dog, or a cat, if we are talking about a typical urban apartment. However, more and more people prefer to start exotic animals, and now we are not talking about parrots or degu, we are talking about more rare species, for example, monkeys, snakes or dwarf pigs. But sometimes such a neighborhood brings suffering as the animal himself and its owner.

Phenox is very sensitive to temperature drops

Phenox is very sensitive to temperature drops

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


One of the main problems is the smell: the wild animal has a rather sharp smell, which is not allowed with the smell of any other pet. Since the wild beast lives in conditions of constant danger, he has to acquire functions that could save him from major predators. A great example is Skuns, who is very loved to make people in the apartment, seeking to stand out from their own circle of acquaintances.

An animal requires this smelting iron as a way of protection, but the unscrupulous owners who put their desires in the first place, simply take the animal to the clinic, where it is eliminated from the gland, and its owners from constant ventilation of the apartment.

Training and conditions of content

If dogs and cats quickly quickly recognize the presence of the host and simply study, some problems may arise with wild animals. For example, if you decide to start a monkey, you will not have just to train, but to raise it, otherwise the adult animal will simply be amenable to control.

Yes, and not all animals give in to training: the same sloth is simply due to the fact that his brain is not designed to solve complex tasks, he does not even know that he has a master, not to mention any kind of trains.

A separate question with the content of some animals. Suppose you dreamed of a dwarf hippother all my life, but will your apartment make a swimming pool? After all, even a little hippo will refuse to sleep on a sofa like a dog. Think about it.

Lemur is difficult to teach

Lemur is difficult to teach "to the pot"

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


Before you think about the acquisition of an exotic animal, find out about it all: what it feeds in what conditions it lives, what diseases are subject to. Note that not any veterinary clinic will be able to help your pet in case of serious illness.

For many wild beasts, ordinary, it would seem, sores characteristic of pets can cause irreparable damage. So chanterelle-aneck can easily catch the cold from the open window, and, given the complexity of treatment, the case may have a fatal outcome. The same applies to other creatures that arrived from places where the temperature is much different from our.

Danger for family

Sometimes in pursuit of originality, people lose their mind. Remember that the love of sharp feelings may not end for anyone who lives with you in the same apartment. So lovers of wild cats are dangerous of their children who animals will never perceive as members of their flocks, which means that children become prey.

Think whether your "Pont" is worthwhile to you dear to you, and the animal itself will suffer, despite all your efforts. Why not make a dog's favorite breed, about which you dreamed in childhood?

better get a dog that always dreamed about

better get a dog that always dreamed about

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

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