Show judgment: horoscope for September



You missed communication, so strive to meet friends, attend various events and parties. Immersing in pleasant moments, do not forget about useful: many contacts will be valuable in a professional plan.


Fate is ready to provide you with all the possibilities for prosperity. The main thing is not to miss the chance! Therefore, you should be very sensitive and attentive to what is happening. A good period for learning and mastering new skills.


All this time you quietly and calmly performed our work when other filonili. And finally, the bosses noticed and highly appreciated your progress. Praise, of course, pleasant, but in more modest, so as not to cause the envy and displeasure colleagues.


Stars strongly recommend: do not rush. Recall the saying: "You go quiet, you will continue." Although it is now that bureaucratic Volokita and the confrontation of officials are particularly annoyed, do not attempt to force the situation.

a lion

It is possible that at the beginning of the month you will feel fatigue, irritation, anxiety. Try not to recoup on others, and conflicts will be added to this list. Treat yourself to spa treatments or shopping.


You use the opposite sex, but the horoscope does not advise to dive with your head in romance and flirt. During your absence, a lot of important cases have accumulated at work, and it is necessary to solve them. The situation with finance will please you.


In war, as in war, the first month of autumn will be held under such a motto. The detractors were intensified, it is necessary to collect and be vigilant. However, the goats of enemies are not able to shake your well-established business reputation.


During this period, the charter of problems and misunderstandings, you strive for talking about souls. But be careful: your revelations can not use your favor. In the second decade you will get the news that drastically change your plans.


In the sphere of personal relationship everything is stable. Enjoy harmony with your second half. But the financial situation can significantly strengthen due to new opportunities. Stars predict the conclusion of a profitable deal!


You have a not easy task - to build a balance between work, friends and family. It is not surprising that you are tired. In the work there will be a temptation to shift on other part of the duties, but it should not be given in, if you do not want to redo it again.


Lonely signs of the sign have a chance to meet their destiny. Of course, now you are not to the novels, because you are engaged in an interesting project. But, as you know, love is inappropriate. The change of image went to enjoy the compliments.


In September, the fish will have to solve older problems with colleagues and relatives. Frictions in the relationship show that somewhere you made a mistake, and therefore it is worth reconsidering their behavior. It is better to abandon long journeys.

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