Kirill Andreev: "We and Son both workaholics"


Cyril Andreev-youngey this year marks twelve years. His famous dad, the soloist of Ivanushki International, says that this age is very difficult. As - in no way a period of growing up. Therefore, the son is sometimes sometimes breakdown. But in the family to the manifestations of the character of Kirill, the youngest referred to understanding. After all, in fact, after the storm of emotions, he takes himself in his hands and again proceeds to matters. And he has a lot of them. It is a pity only, the music had to throw.

"We are with the son of both workaholics. Kirill Jr. The whole week is painted: lessons, training at the School of the Olympic Reserve, where he is engaged in basketball ... I have the same downloaded schedule, and I also try to pay a lot of time. I can boast: although this year I was forty-one, but a week I swallow three kilometers three times. So, I think, the son has a worthy example in front of his eyes. Kirill still have the perfect rumor. After all, his great-grandmother (and my grandmother) sang in the chief named after Pyatnitsky. So this is a dynasty. That's just music is not engaged in music. At some point, we realized that the proverb "You will hit two hares ..." Today is very relevant. Do not break between several classes, it is better to focus on something one. In general, we have a very good car, we are very proud of them with Lola. And only we try as much as possible to direct it in the right direction! " - says the soloist of the Ivanushki International Group Kirill Andreev. At the same time, in the family of the artist, certain ideas about how to raise a child was developed. However, Kirill Jr. his opinion on this occasion ...

Principles of Son's Education:

1. Of course, childhood at the current generation is completely different than us. Start with the fact that we all spent all your free time. And now walk in the courtyards, where many bad unuse are dangerous. Therefore, my wife and my wife, so that the son did not have free time, we try to take it as much as possible. Of course, he gets tired.

2. In addition to sports, we pay attention to Cyril to foreign languages. In our modern life without this nowhere. 3. Cyril on the horoscope Scorpio: he has an explosive character, he is stormy and brightly reacts to any trifle. We are trying to teach him a calm attitude to life with Lola.

4. We have a clearly developed system of rewards. Gifts The son receives only if they deserve them.

5. I also demanding about Cyril about the order in his room. I was brought up by my mother (they died with a dad, when I was ten years old), so there was a concern for cleanliness in the apartment. I soap floors, knocked out carpets. In Kirill, of course, the duties are much smaller, but if he, for example, forgets to fix the bed, I do not like it.

And what will answer this Cyril Jr.?

Principles of parenting of parents:

1. I know that all gifts come to me not just like that. Therefore, I try to learn well and fill the bed.

2. Earlier, when I was small and I was not allowed to leave somewhere, I arranged hysterics - I went down, closed the door. But it never acted.

3. Becoming older, I understood: my parents do not have a special way. Especially mom - it is stricter than dad. Dad is softer, and he has the main order in the house. If I didn't remove anything behind myself, he swears greatly. But I'm already accustomed to do so that everyone is satisfied.

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