5 important steps to avoid intestinal cancer


Colorectal cancer (CRR), he is an intestine cancer, ranks second in Russia in terms of mortality among all onco-scabers. The intestinal cancer progresses very slowly, but true - for several years, while the first years can flow absolutely asymptomatic. Or symptoms may be unclear, not indicating directly on cancer, such as a feeling of bloating in the abdomen, fast fatigue and weakness. Tangible manifestations of the disease become already in the later stages, when, as the tumor is developing in the intestinal walls and further applies through the blood and lymphatic vessels to other organs. At this stage, the chances of a prosperous outcome are negligible.

To be honest: no one has yet invented the guaranteed method of avoiding colorectal cancer, although the team of scientists and medical professionals on the whole world is working on this not one decade. Numerous studies conducted by them, however, allowed to trail certain patterns and develop a number of recommendations. Following them, you can minimize risks. So what is worth paying attention to?

Diagnostic screening of crr

Diagnostic screening is the ability to identify the CRP or even the prejudition state in people who have no symptoms of the disease. Colon cancer screening - colonoscopy - today is the "gold standard" diagnosis of colorectal cancer, polyps formation and a number of other bowel diseases.

Why is the procedure of colonoscopy so effective? The fact is that first anomalous cells are developing into polyps, and before they can "pea" to the stage of colorectal cancer, usually takes up to 15 years. In time, the prophylactic colonoscopy allows you to identify and even remove the polyps before they turn into cancer.

Doctors strongly recommend to make a screening colonoscopy with absolutely everyone, even in the absence of risk factors or predisposition to oncology, with an occurrence of 40 years. This is due to the fact that with age, the probability of becoming sick is steadily increasing. Age in itself the risk factor of the CRP, which is impossible to influence. Detected at one of its later stages, the intestinal cancer is fraught at best, much more "aggressive" treatment, and often, and the full impossibility of physicians to help save lives. Agree, saved life, health and nerves are worth showing discipline and spend some time on screening!

Preventive examinations allow us to reveal the disease at an early stage.

Preventive examinations allow us to reveal the disease at an early stage.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

If there are inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, colitis, etc.), diabetes of the 2nd type, or in the family, cancer has already been diagnosed, especially intestinal, it is better to make screening as early as possible. Oncologists are regretted that the cancer "young people", covering every year more and more young audience. Knowing that risk factors are, do not wasteive time - consult your doctor and schedule the diagnostic colonoscopy as soon as possible.

Take control of risk factors

In addition to the risk factors, which is impossible to influence (predisposition, age, etc.), there are a number of factors for which it is possible and recommended to influence. These include lifestyle factors - according to WHO statistics, 30-50% of cancer may be prevented. And to prevent their occurrence or slow down the development is quite forces to anyone.

The development of colorectal cancer contributes to such factors as low physical activity, obesity, especially in the field of waist and in men, a low-content diet (i.e. vegetables and fruits) and a high content of red meat, especially cooked at high temperatures (frying, grill) and fast food abuse.

Of course, such classical "provocateurs" of oncological diseases, like smoking and, in particular, alcohol also confirmed their negative role in the development of intestinal cancer. The relationship between alcohol and smoking abuse, at first glance, is not obvious, but has been proven by research.

It is enough to pay attention to these basic factors and minimize them (ideally - to exclude), and the chances of a healthy life will increase significantly.

Check the level of hormones

Hormone fluctuations can also adversely affect the development of colorectal cancer. Now researchers even work out the influence that the intestinal cancer has a hormone melatonin: there is a suspicion that people working on shift and night graphics are more chances of the development of the CBR in connection with the constant change in the level of melatonin. Although research has not yet been completed, there is another respectful reason to follow the regime and take this factor when choosing a work and life schedule.

For women, this factor is important in terms of the choice of substitution hormone therapy, for example, during menopause. Reception of estrogen and progesterone can even reduce the development of the CBR in women, while, no matter how paradoxically, increase the risks of other types of cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to approach the choice of such therapy very thoughtfully and discussed all possible consequences with the doctor.

Doctors advise drinking vitamins and reduce stress level

Doctors advise drinking vitamins and reduce stress level

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.


At once, several studies conducted in America showed that the combination of vitamin D and calcium can reduce the risks of intestinal cancer. Both vitamins are most successfully working in a proportional combination with each other. Vitamin D for this purpose is recommended to receive from vitamin complexes, and not during the tanning process to avoid increasing the risks of the skin melanoma. He, in turn, will contribute to the absorption of calcium, the lack of which, as scientists discovered, increases the risks of colorectal cancer.

In addition, American researchers suggest that magnesium intake also helps to resist the occurrence of intestinal cancer. Total enough to include in the diet of 3 vitamin - and already protect yourself from a terrible threat.

Reduce stress

Stress leads to the release and oscillation of stress hormones, first of all, cortisol, adrenaline and norepinephrine. It is one of the main factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and depression. Thus, stress forms including factors that no longer overcome - a second-type diabetes, for example. You have not only risks to get sick of the CRP above, but also a prediction for cure is often less optimistic.

So, in many ways our health is in our hands. Colorectal cancer is dangerous, cunning and often does not leave chances, but even such a terrible threat can be avoided. Let a little, but to change the lifestyle, and most importantly - to undergo a prophylactic screening (colonoscopy) even in the absence, as it seems, symptoms. Now it can be passed absolutely painlessly and even in a dream, under anesthesia. Do not put life and health at risk - schedule your first screening now!

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