Decree is not a sentence: how to keep femininity after delivery


The worst thing is that a woman can make after pregnancy and childbirth - to forget that she is a woman. Many young mothers begin to believe that the seductive appearance is nowhere now, because the woman appears a lot of new concerns, even if they are pleasant: to get up early in the morning, feed and pay a child, and during the day a woman completely depends on the child's condition. Ask, how to keep femininity in such conditions? In fact, it is real, it is only worth wanting and attaching some effort to it.

However, in addition to the configuration of the Women's Woman herself, while maintaining femininity, the young mammia performs the environment, which is trying to convince the woman that now her whole life must be devoted to the child, everything else, including she, is secondary.

So what steps do?

Tell me

Tell me "No" negative


No negative

Everyone, even not yet giving birth to women, is aware of the unstable state of women during pregnancy and at the first time after childbirth. Legends are already going about him. It is clear: the state is new and incomprehensible, after the birth of a child, you have to forget about a strong dream at least for several years, all this can not contribute to harmony in the soul in any way. But this does not mean that it is necessary to allow negative energy to break out and shatting on the relatives. Find a way to express negative emotions, for example, sign up for dancing, fitness or yoga at least several times a week.

Stop moving on your husband

Yes, in your family add, but this does not mean that the husband now fastened to be your man and became the second mom in pickup. He is also waiting for your care and attention to yourself as a man. It is not obliged to listen to your hysteria and put up with your untidy appearance. If you believe the statistics, it is after the birth of a child, a larger number of divorce takes place, as a rule, the fault of a woman who could not combine the role of mother and wife. Consider this moment. Please take a husband more often, and for this you need to follow myself, and the maximum is to show fantasy alone with my man.

Do not stay alone with your thoughts, go to people

Do not stay alone with your thoughts, go to people


Tell me "yes" with her desires

It is important to like not only her husband, but also yourself, as your self-esteem depends, therefore, other people begin to perceive you differently.

Find a few hours a week to a trip to the store with a girlfriend or sign up into the salon on a relaxing massage or a leaving procedure.

Forget about stretched T-shirts and terrible bathrobes! Stay a woman in any situation.

Sex after childbirth exists

Of course, there must be some time before you return to sexy marathons, but do not tighten, otherwise the husband will begin to "worry." The main thing is to start.

To all of the time, you do it not so much for your husband as for yourself, because there is nothing worse than a dissatisfied woman who breaks down on others.

spend time with your husband

spend time with your husband


Do not sit at home

Decree is not a sentence. As soon as we get asleep as mom, do not stay at home and start coming into people with a child, let it first be playgrounds, where there is with whom to talk not only to the child, but also you.

In addition, while you are sitting with a child, you can do further self-priority, for example, to get the right to study foreign languages, make a blog. Do not miss the opportunity to learn something new, because a self-sufficient woman is an attractive woman.

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