Andrei Gaidulan: "I do not live with my son"


- Andrei, in the fall of 2007, you passed the casting in the series "University". Well remembered this moment?

- I myself remember the moment of signing the contract - I was deaflessly glad. I remember more when I received the first fee for the first shooting day. This fact I was very seriously pleased, because before that, I somehow did not believe me. I remember, I went and spent money for some unnecessary things that had always dreamed of. I worked as a postman and brought mail at a cafe with very expensive cakes. It was on the meat street and was very respectable. And the first thing I did, I went and scared my cakes! And they cost 400 rubles, and it was five years ago! In general, pleased with the first salary (laughs.)

- Probably the sensations were indescribable?

- Until the last moment I did not tell anyone. Because I had such cases: We are about to sign the contract for 16 episodes, this is about 20 episodes - and everything broke out. I waited so long for my first contract that I was afraid to jiggle. And the day before the start of the filming, I called my parents, friends and they told it. In general, these were intimate sensations, we can say intimate. Since then, I probably had not experienced such exciting joy. When I signed a contract already for 100 episodes, it was very nice, but expected. Probably the next time I will be happy when I take me to a big movie.

- wrote that you have already received a role?

- No, I haven't had a big movie. I am sure that it is waiting for me, because I do everything in this direction. But while I have some difficulties. There was a couple of roles, but passing, and I can not say that in a big movie. Rather in television films. But I still expect a movie. (Smiles.)

- For five years, much happened with the hero, and with you. Time quickly flew?

- In fact, very quickly, even imperceptible. But, on the other hand, it seems that everything happened a long time ago. I, Valya Rubtsova and Vitalik Gogunsky, remember this time as the second student years, as we started, how they removed the first series, as we communicated, constantly met, lived together ...

Andrei Gaidulan:

We love the guys to remember how they started in the "university", as they filmed the first series, as they communicated, met, lived ... We shot one apartment, and everyone came there - we all did together.

- …In terms of?

- We shot an apartment. I, Vitalik Gogun and Alexey Gavrilov, who Gosh played. Naturally, all friends came there: Lesha Klimushkin, who played dad, his guard Gena - Andrei Sviridov. And it turned out that we practically lived in the same apartment, rested - everything was together. Cool were sensations.

- Did you count on such a long-term employment?

- I can not say what was counting. Initially, everything was very exciting: will these first 10 episodes go, which we shot? Then they signed a contract for 100 episodes, then another 150. And so far everything continues.

- Not tired of this?

- Honestly confess, tired. The old "uni" we removed the series 255 somewhere. And already for the 200th series felt fatigue. But that cohesion that we had from the very beginning, our friendship gave strength and supported our excitement. Now we have from the shafts of a ribbed separate project. He is with the same heroes, and it seems to me very interesting.

- When you get off in such a long project, then no other time remains. No pity?

"Sometimes, of course, the thoughts arise that it was possible to spend this time on something else. But in no case can I say that I regret it. For me, this work has become a real school. And in principle, we have time to do what they wanted. I, for example, happened three performances in which I played the main roles. But the first and most beloved is the "gorgeous wedding." The Vitalik Gogunsky, Masha Kozhevnikova, Lesha Klimushkin participated in this production. We drove a lot with the play and invested in it as in the "university".

- Probably, you came to look at mostly the fans of the series?

- Sure. This is a production project, which was calculated on commercial success. But I believe that the performance was very good, we tried. There were naturally failures. I remember tour last summer. We went through the southern coast: Adler, Sochi, Lazarevskoye, etc. It was a complete madness, because at this time no one walks into theaters. We played outdoor sites, Filipp Kirkorov sang across the road, I had to keep microphones in your hands.

- But rested at sea.

- Honestly, it was not enough rest. I was categorically against this tour of 5-6 performances, because we had to start the basic shooting. But we decided. Heat, we are in woolen costumes - in general, steep memories. (Laughs.) I'm talking to what? Which during filming, we still have time to do and the theater. But from several offers I had to refuse. Although the same Kozhevnikov managed to combine several projects in time. I did not work out. But I repeat, I do not regret it.

Diana Andrei met 2 years ago in a nightclub. Lovers still live in a civil marriage, but have already begun to think about the wedding.

Diana Andrei met 2 years ago in a nightclub. Lovers still live in a civil marriage, but have already begun to think about the wedding.

- According to the scenario, your hero became a father. In real life you have a son Fedor. Parental experience came in handy?

- to a certain extent. Just now I do not live with my son. I have another family. And if we talk about the experience, then the current family life helped me more. After all, I already live with my girlfriend Diana for two years. And sometimes it comes to funny. We are now removing the story about Sasha and Tanya, which shows all the charms of the beginning of family life. And you come to the site, and in the script describes the situation that happened to you two days ago. Father's experience also helps. Valya Rubtsova gave birth to a wonderful girl. And she, as a mother, sees some inaccuracies and corrects them. Suppose the child at this age can no longer walk in the cradle, he needs a stroller ...

- In general, the little things who are familiar with the practice.

- Yes. And thanks to their own experience, such situations help.

- Speaking of family life. How did you meet Diana?

- It is quite trite for modern youth. It was in the club. I went to the girls; As they say, "rolled up", Diana stood with them. We talked. She did not recognize me in the dark nightclub. Nothing foreshadowed some prolonged relationships. But it so happened that it was there that we found each other and our destiny.

- Are you already thinking about the second marriage?

- And I have first, honestly, there was no. Why this information went, I do not know. With my mother's mother, even a civil marriage, in essence, was not. It so happened that we have a common child, and that's it. And I'm thinking about marriage. But first I want to stand on your feet. This is not an excuse. I want to stand confidently. The apartment is already there, you need some more little things, and you can really talk about the wedding. My opinion is that the marriage should be in the calculation in the good sense of the word. You must decide everything for yourself. Diana and I understood that we want to be together. Now we will live a period of civil marriage, and when we will be ready, our relations are officially issued. It seems to me - I am in no way I'm afraid of this, but this is a new stage in the life of the family. There are obligations to her parents, relatives, before himself. Then the next stage will come - these are children. That is, I need to marry

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