Foi Gra: how to cook delicacy at home


Still, the French are an amazing nation. With which grace, they manage to retreat the world once again, assigning themselves to other people's conquests. Here let's spend the experiment: what do you think, who came up with an amazing dish called "Fu-Gra"? There is no doubt that 90 percent will answer without thinking: the French.

Meanwhile, the ancient Egyptians eaten the duck liver. Later, the baton accepted the Romans. It was they who turned this dish into a real delicacy, refilling bird fig. When the Roman Empire collapsed, recipes from goose liver were forgotten. In the Middle Ages, only Jews who once took the secret of dishes from Egypt continued to use fua-gras. And only the French were able to revive traditions. Special thank you need to tell Louis XVI, because it is he who gave the dish that the national status is. Since then he was heard: say "Fu-Gra" - we mean the French.

Poultry sorry!

Despite the love by true gourmets, Foi-Gra in recent years is exposed to non-religious persecutions. Whoever declared war to this dish! Prince Wales Charles ordered the fua-gra-gras from the menu in all his residences, immediately saying about his step one of the activists of the company "International Voice of Vegetarians in support of animals".

After some time, it became known that a large network of British stores, as if hearing the call of Charles, decided to abandon the sales of Fu-Gra.

And on the governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger, a mass attack of films and music stars was committed: they called for banning the state of sale fua-gras. "You probably know that the society has demonstrated the full support for the ban of this inhuman procedure," a cult musician Paul McCartney appealed to the Terminator. - feed the bird with a mechanical path, dropping her pipe with food, cruelly. I hope the natural feeling of pity will prompt you to make this humane initiative. "

If you add that shortly before McCartney with such calls to Schwarzenegger, local stars were treated - Martin Sheen, Alicia Silverstone, Kim Bacyinger and others, you can understand the confusion of the governor. So soon and in sunny California can not taste this delicacy. By the way, an unexpected fact: after in many countries they decided to abandon Fu-Gra, suddenly it urgently turned out that this dish most often ordered in restaurants. Walk so much!

How to distinguish fua-gra

Find the raw fua-gra (which, in fact, the French themselves are very valued) in our stores are not so easy. There is an exit! You can buy a canned liver. The main thing is to learn to distinguish what and what are you purchasing for. Before buying carefully read the label. If you see the word Frais, it means "Fresh"; Partially cooked "encrypted" under the micuit; Canned - respectively concreve. All these products are ready for consumption, only they have different storage time. Canned food can be stored even a few years - unlike Frais, which lose their attractiveness after three weeks from the moment of preparation. Canned jars are also found two species. Those on which Foie Gras Entire is written is preferably BLOC DE FOIE GRAS: In the first, you are offered a whole fua-gra-gras, and secondly - minced stuffing. But the last option is much more economical. Canned canned food, where other products have been added to fua-gras, in which case the percentage of the content of the actual liver is needed.

Know and be able to

The French came up with a number of conventions that need to be observed when using fua-gras. So, you need to cut a special knife without teeth. If you lay the liver to bread, do not think to smear, it is necessary to use the entire one. Wine should only drink Soteter. In extreme cases, champagne: this drink, the French are confident, is suitable for any dish.

Dish - in the studio!

In fact, the methods of cooking dishes from Fu-Gra - thousands. Each self-respecting restaurant presents his hit parade. So, the Catalan Tony Botoeia, a larger fan of molecular gastronomy, came up with a whole line of candy with foie gras and various fillers: and with an orange chips, and with black pepper, and with almonds.

And now, in fact, Recipe itself . You can cook this dish at home and feel like a real guru!

Foi-gra - about 500 g;

Half of major pineapple;

Strawberry - 200 g;

Any other fruits for your choice - to taste. Our choice is grapes or pear.

First, fua-gras must be fasten. Here you should precisely follow the instructions:

- Before hot fua-gras, make sure that the pan is good;

- Liver slices should not be thicker one and a half centimeters;

- On each side you need to fry no more than 0.5 minutes, otherwise your dish is simply dissolved in a pan.

After that, add slightly fried strawberries and pineapple. Pour the dish with sauce of those fruits that you chose.

Delicate is ready! This hot snack can be served as an independent dish.

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