Alexey Fateev: "I realized that I could not live one"


Our hero struck the entire filmmaker with his gallant manners, such a forgotten male courtesy. Despite the fact that Alexey Fateev is very in demand in his native theater. Vl.Makovsky and his account such interesting projects as "house with lilies", "Orlov and Aleksandrov", "dislike", he is not the actor who actively flashes in the press, nothing was known about his personal life. So, it can be said, this conversation with the magazine "Atmosphere", which took place after the premiere on the TV channel "homely" dramatic film "The Labyrinth of Illusions", became a revelation in something.

- Alexey, judging by the fact that the interview you do not have so much, you are either busy or very modest.

"I can't say that I use crazy success and demand that there is no discharge from those who want to take me an interview." (Smiles.) Although really work really a lot - but whether it is not busy there, or not in those projects that cause increased hype. Perhaps people are little interested in what I am doing in the theater. After all, there are such periods when half a year old fall out of the shooting process, completely devote yourself to the stage, and you forget you, everyone has to start again.

- And in the theater there are devotees of fans, about which you know: Here it sits on the third row, fifth place on the left? ..

- Yes there is. I could even call her name. This woman is really a permanent viewer in our theater. Vl.Makovsky I do not know if it goes to my performances or just likes the theater so much. When she addresses invitations, many of my colleagues will help her. In any case, I have never met such avid theatrons. I can not say that only for this is worth doing a profession: I am absolutely not a vain person, even shy. I just want to calmly come out in the evening from the theater, to put thoughts and feelings. The performances are different: something is easier, something more complicated, and there are such, after which you have to leave not only evening, but the whole day. Although if someone comes to me to take a picture or take an autograph, I never refuse.

- And what are you doing with flowers?

- Recently, I am departed home my wife. (Smiles.) There was a period when I lived alone - and then immediately gave bouquets either to partners, or someone from the costumes, make-up artists: they apply the same efforts to create a performance, like us, and also deserve attention.

- Instagram Do you actively ... People's response is more pleased or upset?

- In most cases, they write nice things. Sometimes these are on duty compliments, but the fact that a person has given time to you, cannot but be appreciated. Sometimes there are impartial statements - whether they want to be offended, whether to put in place, to sharpe ... but I am a peace-loving guy, with good related to others, therefore it is not impossible to conflict. I dare to hope that I go through life in this way, when there are very few people offended by me behind me.

- Professional envy you also do not have one?

"I don't want to lie, I realize that the creative destinies of many of my colleagues have developed more successful than mine." But I do not feel envy or regret: everyone deserves in the life of what he deserves. I was looking for my calling too long and I came to this crazy city, when I was already thirty-two years old. I was engaged in a profession in Kharkov, served in the local theater. There artists pay very little attention to their fame. You finish the theater institute with the thought that you have to live and die on the stage, working for a penny. And completely deliberately put your life on this altar, cultivate it in yourself. We were taught so. Now, among young, probably, differently. But I am convinced that the more the person of himself represents, the less he seeks to somehow demonstrate in communication. I get a tremendous pleasure from communicating with folk artists who are serving in Mayakovka: Igor Matveyevich Kostoloshevsky, Svetlana Vladimirovna Nevolyaeva, Evgenia Pavlovna Simonova, Mikhail Ivanovich Filippov. They can learn a lot: these are incredibly modest people in life, and on stage they are creating real wonders.

- That is, you have a deeper profession awareness - as a mission ...

- I came to this not so long ago, five years ago. He began to feel that the profession loses the meaning she had ten to twenty years ago. People came to the theater to learn, think, work with a soul, now it is for the most part entertainment. I survived some kind of inner crisis: it seemed to me, I ceased to benefit my work. I thought it was better, I would probably become a doctor ...

- What about the degree of the railwayman?

"Thank God, I passed me this fate (laughs), although my mother really wanted to help me, she tried to arrange me at that institute with all their might. And when I failed all exams, I still took me to correspondence department. I worked on the railway, a monter of the path and a connection, and I understand perfectly well, how hard and difficult money is earned in the outback. But if you look into yourself and learn to talk with you, we always know the right answers, including our destination. By eliminating unwanted classes, I came to the acting profession with some incredible work and temporary costs.

- Moving to Moscow with what was associated with: with ambitions, the desire of growth?

- Moving a desire to reach a new level in the profession. In the Kharkov Theater named after Pushkin, I had an enchanting repertoire: for eight seasons - seventeen roles, among them very significant: George Pigden in the play "Number 13", Evgeny Arbenin from Masquerade, George Duroua, "Cute Friend" ... It was a big , serious experience, but at some point I realized that on the number of my roles, their quality is not growing. I could continue to stay there, getting titles, but at that time it seemed to me that in my development as an artist I stopped. At that time, Russia and Ukraine were good, good-neighborly relations, I left an absolutely prosperous country. And here I had to start all over again: to scream up the theaters, ask if they need artists if I could read the fable ... For twenty-five to twenty-twenty-twenty-seven years, such activities would seek me to be acknowledged and humiliating, but to thirty years, the surge sneezing. In Moscow, I arrived with the absolute consciousness that you need to start from scratch.

- You called Moscow with a crazy city. Why?

- He's difficult, hard, merciless, far from everyone can survive here. Some of my friends, too, visiting, could not stand. Everyone decide the first six months-year. It is necessary to take on the throat of its pride, hide your ego and prove again that you stand. Many break on this. We must understand very accurately, why are you going here, - not because the finance of the country is concentrated in Moscow, and stars live in this city. Mishura, the outer shell is not a stimulus for development. I do not deny the importance of the material side of life, but if you stop thinking about the sense, about the growth, you will quickly become uninteresting - first myself, and then another.

- Are you moving to Moscow with family?

- At that time I had already had a family, daughters were only a few months. Therefore, at first I left one, tried to equip. He lived in a room from a friend, a few months later I was offered a room in a hostel. I made some kind of repair there, I collected the furniture and then I took the family.

- They immediately perceived the city?

- No, there were also difficulties. The daughter is small, the wife did not work, lived on my theater salary, barely reduced the ends with the ends. The whole story was with the receipt of Russian citizenship - thanks to friends who helped it. But, I think, everyone who was not born in Moscow and did not get an inheritance apartment, so. Take this city, learn to live here comfortably and comfortable - not easy.

- But it's great that relatives supported you in solving to move: many families break down.

In fact, the first family, with which I came here, completed my existence a few years ago. For various reasons. The acting profession often takes you entirely. At some point, roles and projects are becoming more, from one movie spell you are leaving to another, spend out of the house for two or three months. And then you come - and you realize that you are already particularly needed, and without you, we have completely learned to live. Heat and mutual understanding is not.

- Need energy feeding from relationships?

- The house for me is a kind of spiritual hospital, a place where you should be sure that you really love you, appreciate and wait. And you always welcome you. Even if sometimes you are weak, weak and with unsatisfactory weakness, you will still love.

- It looks more like maternal love.

- No, I do not agree. And I am very grateful to my second wife Alena, she is a rare person. I hope my love and support, I also bring her some joy and satisfaction. But we are connected not the material component - it is not like a kind of feeding apart from each other. Much more important is trust, communication, the opportunity to speak. Including discussing some sharp moments. It seems to me that this is the only way to preserve the relationship: not to silence the resentment, do not keep them in yourself, be honest, even if there is a price of a quarrel, Irrett, but it's better.

- Your spouse is also from the creative sphere?

- No, she is civil servant. It always seemed to me that it was unlikely that we could connect something, but we met completely by chance, they said long. Then they met yet, they said. (Smiles.)

- Where did you meet?

- On Sretenka, Street meetings. (Laughs.) There is a branch of our theater. The future spouse then worked in the Ministry of Economic Development, and the presenter was required to hold one event. She was sent over to discuss the scenario with me. I remember about an hour we talked about anything, but not about the case. Then they met several more times, they discussed the details of this concert - he, by the way, did not take place, but our relations were developed.

- Not otherwise as a hand of fate!

- Completely true! People from different spheres and different worlds, but turned out to be such humanly close to each other. We realized that we were interested in spending time with each other, and later we had a family that was already two years old. I have a daughter from the first marriage, the second wife is a son.

- All friends, communicate?

- If possible, try to establish this process so that everything is peaceful, lovely. I can not say that everything is smooth, but we are trying very hard.

- Are you more comfortable in the status of a bachelor or a married man?

"It is important for me to benefit, feel necessary, take care of someone." Even with a natural desire to get a dose of short and therapeutic loneliness, so necessary in our profession, I understand that I could not live alone. Now I have this woman, and I am very grateful to her for the relationship that we have formed.

- Do you important her reaction to what you are doing in the profession?

- Of course, we are all discussing. She goes to performances, she is interested in my work, we together read the scenarios that they send me. And I try to be as interested in her affairs. I do not even take into account the specifics of our activity, we always have something to talk about.

- You had several roles related to entangled family relationships. Recently, the television channel "Home" passed a television film "Labyrinth of Illusions" - dramatic, difficult story. Did you put some personal experiences in the role?

- This is an integral part of the acting profession. The instrument of the actor is his soul, memory, experienced emotions. In this "bag", we have time from time to time and get something from there. Sometimes it is a rather painful process, because they pick up old wounds, come back to some sharp, unpleasant moments, but if you do not spend emotionally - you will not make the viewer you believe.

- What is your life situation you remember?

- Thank God, I did not have such a situation, and I would never do as my hero. But he makes such actions not because he wants to cause someone pain. They moved love, and he himself drove himself into the trap. Maybe he came out somewhere with the path of true, but ultimately remained honest before everyone, for whom he was responsible, and this cargo carried to the end. They moved a noble goal, but the funds were not always humane towards loved ones, although he wanted to help sometime as closest. He did not reject the previous relationship, despite the fact that they did not quite sincerely took advantage. So I justify it, because at first glance this is a negative hero. But negative and more interesting: they are more difficult, deeper.

- What aftertaste left from work?

- First, it is a very complicated and rare scenario. When I read it, and then we discussed him with the director Anna Pisterko, the colleagues on the set, it seemed that it was not so - just inhumanically cruel actions are committed. But the more we went deep into this story, understood that with the extreme degree of perception of love and debt, you can come to what is talking about in this picture. In life and more involvement there are situations. What wars sometimes arise between close people for some very minor things! Perhaps, for someone, our picture will become passing, and someone will hook, will warn from a dangerous step.

- I wanted to discuss another one of your film - "dislike", which caused a huge resonance. How did the shootings affect you, have become more carefully treated with her daughter?

- To the daughter, I always try to be attentive and, by virtue of my employment, at least a little controlling its development and relations with the outside world. And Zvyagintsev's shooting is some kind of incredible gift of fate, which could not be. Andrei Petrovich is incredible, he absolutely knows exactly what he wants and how it sees it. He is looking for pain, moral flaw and then builds history. And she is not a place, concerns not one city, is a problem for the whole universe. Every day, a huge number of people disappear - from the inattention of their relatives, their rejection ... This is especially true of children: they are very varying, they need to help, be very inspired and attentive to their problems. It is wonderful that the picture was able to see not only in our country, but also in Europe, and America. This is an incredible honor for me - to be involved in such a project. Our consultants were the guys from the search squad "Lisa Alert", and thanks to them, we went to the search for missing. It's hard, Zyabko, dirty, but even if, sighing some square of the forest, you did not find anyone - I already did a good deed, because I closed this site. Others will go further, and perhaps their work is crowned with success. Search engines make it on a voluntary basis, spend their time and strength to save someone's lives. And it deserves incredible respect. Sometimes you look at our world and you understand how imperfect it is, is not busy what you need. We must teach yourself to give out some amount of time to people who need it.

- Your daughter is thirteen?

- Yes, complex age. There are a lot of secrets. Moreover, with the most frank and sincere conversations, the maximum of my openness and willingness to listen to it, give advice, it is rare to reach out. Masha listens attentively, nods and assures that everything is fine.

- But you feel that it is not?

- Of course, there is your world, with your problems, first love, experiences. Friendly relationships on the fortress are checked, I see a lot of disappointments with close friends, girlfriends. Already begins to touch this world with its manifestations. Of course, I want our children to live better than we want to protect them from suffering, but this, alas, is impossible.

- Are there things that you unite you?

- Cinema and bowling will always work! (Laughs.) I myself love spending time at the cinema, I used to go there alone, because it's a great place to be closed, get impressions and just relax. Maybe I am not very inventive in my meetings with Masha, but I love to show her new pictures, then we go somewhere to walk through, have a snack in a cafe, we speak ... I love our meetings, and I need them.

- What do you think, is she proud of you?

"I don't know, I don't understand how a humble person do not understand how much I can be proud - I did nothing supernatural. But it's good at least that it will not spend so many years on the path to the city in which dreams come true. I arrived here later, and she is here. For her, this is a hometown, it remains only to find his way, the road for which she will go, preferably with meaning and with the idea to benefit.

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