How to choose gloves


Types of material for gloves

Fleece or woolen. Quickly flush and wear out. A couple of weeks socks, holes, rollers and a smoothie, untidy species provided.

Suede. Although beautiful, but quickly arched and get dirty, and if they glowed - the material becomes tougher. They need constant care.

Leather. Perfect choice. They are not blocked, the least rushing, more wear-resistant and provide good thermal insulation.

The size. After all, it is precisely how well the glove shakes his hand, it depends on how it will warm it. There should be free space between the glove and palm: if the glove is tight, the hand will freeze. Remember that gloves are stretched only in the transverse direction, taking the shape of the hand. Therefore, you should not try to pull them between your fingers, tightening the cuffs in the hope that the gloves are spread. In addition, the glove should close the wrist to ensure maximum protection from the cold.

Lining. Gloves without lining will not protect from cold, in addition, they can cause skin irritation. Note that the lining is not glued, and is sewn.

Quality of seams . They should not be too much, otherwise the glove will quickly lose the form. It doesn't matter which of the seams, internal or external, is used, it is important that it is solid, without passing stitches.

The quality of the proscure. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the proscuration of gloves. Otherwise there is a risk, once hitting the rain or snow, come home with blue or red hands. It is necessary to lose the glove with a wet handkerchief or a piece of paper before buying and see, there is no paint track.

Types of leather

Like. That is, goat or sheep leather - soft, smooth and gentle to the touch. But such gloves are more decorative - the test by cold and the wind they are withstanding weakly.

Pork . The skin is thicker and coarse, but strongly absorbs moisture. It is extremely recommended to wet such gloves, since as a result they can be strongly and irrevocably deformed.

Deer. Best features in deer skin. It connects all the advantages of pork and husky: soft, elastic, thin enough and very well kept warm.

How to determine natural skin?

You need to look at the open slice of glove parts. Genuine leather has a dilated surface on sections, and the leather on the sections are visible threads. In addition, you can attach a hand to a glove. Genuine leather is heated, and artificial - it will remain cold.

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