Vetiver - "Grass of Decience"


The Grass Vetives is known to humanity since the ancient times. This is an unattractive and unbroken plant, which is long beams of grass, possesses powerful roots, which, in fact, are called vetiver. And they were called "nails for soil" - for helping to protect it from erosion and erosion during the rains. Here is the main value in them. Roots used and used to this day in medical and perfume purposes. Rich with essential oils, they dried, for a long time retain an amazing flavor, in which the smells of warm land, scorched by the sun, wood, wood with a light shade of bitterness ... Of these, therapeutic chain and drinks with antiseptic properties were prepared. On the French island, Reunion of them managed to make dishonled fan. And the Hindus and weave the mats at all, which in particularly hot days are watered with water, and then the room is filled with thin woody aroma. The flour obtained from the frozen dry roots is laid out on the bags and with their help protect the tissues from molia. All advantages of the plant can also be attributed to the fact that it has a soothing effect. For this, it is called "the grass of peace." Therefore, vetiver oil is used in aromatherapy as a means from insomnia and even depression. As for perfume art, this ingredient was traditionally considered the prerogative of men's fragrances. After all, his saturated tart smell gives restraint, elegance, causing a feeling of internal equilibrium and solid soil under his feet if you want.

One of the first vetiver decided to use Gabriel Chanel in the female spirits. In 1930, she conceived to create a noble resistant woody fragrance, in which there would be no shadow of chemistry or coquetry. As a result, a miracle appeared on the light called SyComore. The first violin in it was played, of course, Vetiver. Alas, over time, the fragrance formula was lost. However, the faithful keeper of the traditions of Perfumery House Chanel Jacques Pollya conceived to recreate SyComore and give him a new life. For him, this turned out to be a task in the spirit of the probe "search for lost time." His imagination drawn the barrel of a noble tree, whose powerful roots deeply go to the ground. Somehow they carried the juices to the branches, but now dried. However, bad weather is not able to cope with this tree, which seems to be standing forever and to be a symbol of the very time. Chanel would appreciate this metaphor. She was the first to understand that the male began gives rise to femininity, and in simplicity the true luxury luxury.

Vetiver and became the most notewood that attached the exquisite sound to the regenerated SyComore ashes. Today, this component can be found in male and women's flavors. And the oblivion does not threaten him, because the elegance from fashion will never come out.

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