What is dangerous type II diabetes?


Any cage of our body needs glucose. Just so glucose into the cage can not get, for this you need a special substance - insulin. In fact, this is the key that opens glucose input to the cage. This happens if the person is healthy. But in some cases, the insulin key cannot open the cell. Insulin resistance occurs - that is, the cell ceases to be sensitive to insulin. And in the body of patient with diabetes mellitus II type of glucose can not penetrate the cells. She begins to accumulate in blood, and this leads to very terrible consequences - diseases of vessels and hearts develop, vision is lost, kidneys, liver and other internal organs are affected. The life of a man, patient with diabetes, is reduced for several years, or even decades.

Symptoms of type II diabetes

High glucose levels. This is one of the main symptoms of type II diabetes. In diabetes, glucose is not absorbed by cells and accumulates in the blood. Hence the high level of glucose.

Thirst. In diabetes, a person often experiences thirst. Since glucose accumulates in the blood, the blood becomes too thick. Then the hypothalamus - the brain department - creates a feeling of thirst.

Frequent urination. In diabetes, a person often goes to the toilet, as he drinks a lot because of the feeling thirst.

Weakness . In diabetes, a person often feels weakness, since the cells of the body are not allowed to glucose. After all, it is very much in the blood.

Weight set. Overweight - precursor of diabetes mellitus.

Numbness and tingling in the limbs. Diabetes can occur numbness and tingling in the legs and arms. Since there is broken.

Skin itch. Diabetes can occur skin itching. Bloodstock is disturbed in the limbs, immunity decreases. And fungal infections can easily develop, which cause skin itch.

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