Already late: 4 lifehak, how to quickly collect a child


Collect the baby in the morning - for this requires special supersila. Rarely what kind of child is ready to get up cold autumn in the morning to go to the garden or school, while maintaining a joyful look. However, there are certain tricks that will not allow to turn your morning into a nightmare.

And what do you have breakfast?

No wonder there is an opinion that breakfast is the most important meal for the day. It has its own logic here, because from the very morning it is important to recharge the energy so that the feeling of hunger does not accompany us to lunch. It is especially important to take into account this item, if we are talking about a children's breakfast. Do not think that you will do one will work - take care that your kid ate at least a few pieces of fruit or fresh vegetables, thereby obtaining the necessary portion of vitamins. The full and satisfied child will be less capricious and willingly agree to gather at a meeting with friends in the garden or school.

Chat with a child on the way to the garden

Chat with a child on the way to the garden


Try to develop independence

You must admit, in the morning it is important to trace that not only a child, but also a man, and if you work, the time for each household is sharply reduced. It is in a rush that hysterics and nerve breaks of parents originate. And we need to do everything. It would be nice if your baby learns at least partially assembled independently - you will save at least 15 minutes if the kid can wear a T-shirt, pants and socks. In every way encourage children's initiative to do something yourself.

Talk to the baby about the future day

The road to the garden in complete silence only imposes a situation, especially if the morning began not too good. Remember that in your power to influence the mood of the child, because it perfectly feels the mood of the adult. If the child is not configured to positive, discuss something pleasant with him what happened lately and what exactly will raise him the mood. Try to make any way out of the house fascinating for a child so that he looks forward to the moment when you leave him somewhere.

Do not knock the mode

If an adult can gather forces after short sleep, then it is impossible for a child. For several weeks, children are rebuilt on a new mode after the holidays, which is worth doing and adult - do not lie down in the morning, if you need to go to your child in a couple of hours. If it turns out that it is impossible to lie down before, prepare all things from the evening or make blanks for breakfast so that in the morning do not suffer with cooking.

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