Israel first resumed quarantine in the world


Israel was the first in the world to decide on the resumption of general quarantine. Fraging a sharp increase in new cases of coronavirus infection due to mass assemblies during a series of national holidays over the next month, the country's authorities introduce repeated hard restrictions. A quarantine regime will last at least three weeks starting from Friday, September 18, when the Jewish New Year "Rosh Ha Shana" is celebrated, until October 9 inclusive, reports The Guardian.

At the same time, quarantine measures declared by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will become the most large-scale since the first "Lokdauna", which has runs away from the end of March to May. According to the new rules, no more than 10 people can be collected, and in the open air - no more than 20. Schools, shopping centers and all non-food stores temporarily suspend their activities. Supermarkets and pharmacies remain open. The Israelis themselves during quarantine should be within the limit of × 500 meters from their homes, but at the same time they can go to work. A number of employees will provide the opportunity to work in online mode from the house, and non-governmental organizations and some enterprises can remain open, provided that they will not receive customers.

It should be noted that in Israel in recent weeks the number of new cases of coronavirus exceeded 3,000 people per day, and in the past weekend, this figure increased to 4000. In total, more than 153 thousand infected COVID-19 were revealed from the moment of announcement of the pandemic in Israel. Of these, about 114 thousand patients were recovered, and 1108 people died.

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